I made a hockey rink map with an open roof. I was wondering if I could make golf balls that fly off the arena teleport back in? Is this possible and how because I have never used teleporters in forge before. Thanks for reading and thanks for the help.
Doesn't work, golfballs are immune to teleportation. Best bet is to put a ceiling on the arena, OR if you are setting this up to use Haloball as the gametype, just put a kill or soft kill zone up there. Halo balls that hit kill zones vanish and respawn.
I wanted to make a hockey rink. I don't know what haloball is. But a roof wouldn't fit the feel of the map.
Haloball is a new gametype (it has its own category called "Insane" in the menus, but it's actually a variation on Stockpile, I believe). It pops up in the Action Sack playlist in matchmaking, and you can save it from there or just download it from somebody's fileshare. How it works is that you set goals and ball spawn points (usually hills). Balls that spawn on those points, when knocked into a goal, will score a point, then despawn there and respawn at their original position. The same thing happens when they hit a kill zone, except no point is scored. Goals are team-specific, balls are neutral. So at its core it's just an easy way to make a soccer or hockey type of game. There are loads of minigames here based on Haloball if you want to see how they work - my own game Tunnelball is based on it in fact, there's a link to it in my sig below.
Since I also have a teleporter related question, I'ma hijack this thread real quick: Is it possible to teleport a Mongoose without someone in it?
As far as I can tell, no. I was playing with this the other day and it seems like if you set both teleporters to "vehicle," it will only teleport a vehicle with someone driving it. I was hoping it was the other way around where it would teleport a driverless vehicle or maybe a moving vehicle and leave its driver behind, but that's not how it works, at least from my tests.
On the sender teleporter hit "X" then scroll down to channel set that to any one. Then on the receiver hit "X" and set that to what you set the sender.There are more options if you keep scrolling down.