Ok, Recently, i have been tinkering with some ideas for maps, and i felt it best to ask, since i havent been able to work it out for myself, if its possible to use an armor ability for a goal, since thus far i havent been able to get the golfballs to score on one, regardless of the range for it ive set. the other question is if its possible to make a golfball no longer spawn after its been scored with once. i have yet to figure out either of these, and they will be necessary to making the map work right.
1. Yes, anything can be the goal, just set them up with the correct labels. (I think) 2. The golf balls will always respawn. (I think)
The short answer is yes, I have been able to do it myself, but there are drawbacks to it such as the armor ability not despawning quickly. In order for your goal to work properly it must have: An assigned color team Shape (either cylinder or box) a spawn sequence besides 0 (this determines the number of points) it must be set to HB_Goal Yes and here's how: 1. Get a hill marker out. Put it anywhere. 2. Set it to Ball_spawn_Location. Set Place at start: False. Set spawn time to Never. 3. Create a golf ball. put it where you want it. 4. Set it to skee_ball_object. Set its spawn time to Never. Make sure place at start is on True. 5. That should work. Make sure to test it out though.
i have set the settings for the goal to all of these things, and im not too worried about the delayed despawn. my primary problem is that even when the goflballs enter the set area for the goal... or rather, the goal engulfs the golfballs... the golfballs wont score and disappear. and i wont have enough actual golfballs to achieve the desired goal, so ill just have to work on a workaround. another question that came to mind, though, is is there a way to make a respawn time for when the golfballs spawn.
No, since setting the respawn time on it would define the respawn time for the hill marker, not the ball, it would have no effect, as it is impossible for a hill marker to despawn.