Fortresscraft just got its 1.0 something update and i thought id share the news on what is included in the update: Glass, different colour canvas, pink blocks (glass, brick, walls) and the chapter 2 has been announced to be released in the near future with PVP, Minecarts, Minecart tracks that can go upside down (Rollercoasters? ) and also creatures. Just thought id give you an update as i know a few of you allready have it and if anyone wants to play it with a few of us just send me (XpRz Govier x) a FR and change your playzone to 'Pro'
I'm very very slowly coming to the realization that I'm actually really pissed that Indie Games aren't available in Ireland. Well, I guess I can just play minecraft with my xbox controller...
I would say Chapter 1 was a disappointment, but then I really wasn't expecting much. Chapter 2 on the other hand, definitely sounds intriguing.
Considering how Chapter 1 still has user interaction issues with a server, I wouldn't expect much. TNT doesn't even explode when you place it on someone else's server. Chapter 2, eh, I'll buy it but I'm not expecting much.