Small Symmetrical map built on the Quarry. Designed for Objective game types. Best Gametypes: Multi Flag, Neutral Bomb, Stockpile and Crazy King 8-10 players recommended Download Horizon Description: Two symmetrical bases featuring multiple paths to and from Objectives. A bridge breaks up sight lines and stretches between the bases. A center structure contains One-Way teleporters for fast access to each base. Power weapons include Rocket Launcher, Shotgun and Sword. Download Horizon
Nice map man! For some reason, I can never come up with anything good to build up there, but it seems that you don't have that issue... The bases look nice and simple and it's easy to tell everything apart. But are there at least two ways to get in and out of each room? In order for a balanced game to take place, that's got to happen.
Thanks! There are at least 5 ways in and out of the bases. The rest of the map is relatively open. The only "dead end" is the bottom floor of the center tower. It's not a true dead end because it features the two teleporters that deliver the player right outside the desired base. Still unsure how [or if] players will utilize/abuse this. It's definitely the first thing I'm expecting to change if game tests don't go as expected.
The bases are very original. I cannot say that I have seen any bases ever built like that. You may want to add more aesthetic pieces to your map to make it more pleasing to the eye if you have any budget left. Still this map is gorgeous, and I can't wait to see more of your maps.
D: I have a map with the same name and was hoping that no one else would use it :/. Oh well, nice map you have there. It looks like it will have some awesome rooftop warfare.
This was the first version of Horizon. I "completed" the map with minimal aesthetics so that I could test gameplay and frame rate. I got some testing done last night, and both of those elements went over very well. Now that my major concerns are relieved, I will be adding in some aesthetics as per your request. Sorry for namejacking your map. Maybe they're distant cousins.