H.L. Hunley was a Confederate submersible that demonstrated the advantage and danger of undersea warfare. Although not this nation's first submarine, Hunley was the first submarine to engage and sink a warship. Privately built in 1863 by Park and Lyons of Mobile, Alabama, Hunley was fashioned from a cylindrical iron steam boiler, which was deepened and also lengthened through the addition of tapered ends. Hunley was designed to be hand powered by a crew of nine: eight to turn the hand-cranked propeller and one to steer and direct the boat. As a true submarine, each end was equipped with ballast tanks that could be flooded by valves or pumped dry by hand pumps. Extra ballast was added through the use of iron weights bolted to the underside of the hull. In the event the submarine needed additional buoyancy to rise in an emergency, the iron weight could be removed by unscrewing the heads of the bolts from inside the vessel. On 17 February 1864, the Confederate submarine made a daring late night attack on USS Housatonic, a 1,240-ton (B) sloop-of-war with 16 guns, in Charleston Harbor off the coast of South Carolina. H.L. Hunley rammed Housatonic with spar torpedo packed with explosive powder and attached to a long pole on its bow. The spar torpedo embedded in the sloop's wooden side was detonated by a rope as Hunley backed away. The resulting explosion that sent Housatonic with five crew members to the bottom of Charleston Harbor also sank Hunley with its crew of eight. H.L. Hunley earned a place in the history of undersea warfare as the first submarine to sink a ship in wartime. Reference: H.L. Hunley DISCLAIMER: THIS VESSEL IS NOT BUILT TO SCALE IN ORDER TO SHOW THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF DETAIL This is an overview of the main map area showing the pier entrance, pier, cargo crane, and H L Hunley: This is another overview of the main map area from the pier side: This is a detail shot showing the spar torpedo of the H L Hunley. The spar torpedo was essentially a large explosive on a pole or spar. The method for using such a weapon was to use the pointed end of the spar to pierce the underside of a ship thus attaching the explosive then back away while at the same time pulling a fuse and lighting the explosive thereby sinking or crippling the ship. This Forged spar torpedo works by triggering the fuse via a trip mine at the end of the ignition cord (small antenna) this creates a lighted fuse effect leading up to the main explosives which ignite with fury so step back. This is a detail shot highlighting the forward entry hatch, snorkels, and dive planes (the angled plates at the front of each entry hatch were known as cutwaters and were intended to make the vessel more hydrodynamic while cruising at sea level as well as below). This is a detail shot highlighting the aft entry hatch, propeller shaft, control surfaces and cables, and rudder. This is a bird's-eye-view of the main map area which includes the pier entrance, pier, cargo crane, and H L Hunley. This is the entrance to the pier complete with dual guard bunkers each housing 4 grenades and a sword a piece. This is the pier leading to the cargo crane and gang-plank/walkway to the H L Hunley. The crane houses 2 teleporters and a sniper rifle. The 2 teleporters each lead to the 2 entry hatches to the Hunley which both have 3 DMRs a piece. This is a reverse-side detail of the cargo crane. This is the cargo crane's controls: This is the flag at the top of the tallest mountain to the rear of the main map area. This is one of the camps leading to the pier entrance. These are the other 2 camp areas on the small mountain leading to the pier entrance. This Map is dedicated to my Fiance Jaime. Special Thanks to FrankthaTank ST for co-forging. [FONT="]This map is intended for aesthetic purposes and historic detail. It will be somewhat playable but only for casual purposes not competitive. Feel free to comment, add suggestions, etc... Enjoy! [/FONT]
I really had fun helping to make the pier and crane. nice touches by adding the second guard shack and new gate and the additions to the crane. i like the idea of the flag i really didnt get to see it when we were forging that last time
Yeah it's always fun making maps together. The second guard bunker was just an addition to what you had already made I just simplified it and put one on the other side for balance. Also the beta crane was great just added a few mechanical structures and controls for a little added detail. And the flag wasn't there when you last saw it or any of those camp sites I added the flag for background detail and those camp sites so we could maybe make the map playable. I ended up using all of the allotted budget to close off the back half of the island and force focus on the Hunley but I can delete a lot in order to make the map more playable even possibly make it an Invasion map.
Dude, you should add a teleporter in the entry hatch and then build the interior hidden away somewhere so it would be like you were going into the submarine. That would be awesome.
It's funny you mention that because I actually used a similar technique in my Monitor vs. Merrimac map. In terms of this map however I do have teleporters in the windowed section of the Cargo Crane each one leads to a different entry hatch which has a little treasure in the form of 3 DMRs a piece. The reason I chose not to include an interior to this map like my previous map is because the Hunley is not built to scale (it is purposefully much larger than the actually Hunley in order to include more detail). I could add an interior like my other map but it would be very plain because the actual Hunley didn't have room for much besides the crew and due to the current over-sized scale of this Hunley it would not have the desired effect of feeling very cramped like the actual crew of the original Hunley-God rest their brave souls for carrying out their mission under those conditions and that level of danger being the first submersible vessel and knowing that, that very vessel had previously sank twice before during sea trials killing the entire crew each time including the designer/inventor H L Hunley himself.
Very nice Delta. Me and a buddy spent a lot of time looking this map over, there is a lot to see here. The whole scenario is really well done with the crane, dock, cargo and we especially thought the dock lighting was a cool touch. The exploding boom added the action part I like to see in a map as well. For the pieces we have to work with in the Reach Forge you did a real good job capturing the main look of the Hunley. The historic descriptions that you add to your maps are well done and make the map more relevent to me for the whole scenario. Good work. - ROCK
Nice map, though you could have a tele or a inside to it, I made a submarine map with that, i just used inclines round large for that reason. But other than that great job
As Delta said before this map is not a regular submarine map. It is a recreation of the Civil War ship H L Hunley which is a very small ship that was cramped for nine people. We only made it that big to show detail in the outside of the ship. Putting a lower deck would not be worth the time or money to add a basically empty inside because we are going for historical correct models. Sorry if I sound mean but please read the description and the posts posted by the ones who helped to create the map.
Thanks for the comment Forge Fire but like I said before with the increased scale of the submarine I just wouldn't have the same claustrophobic feeling of the actual ship but there are teleporters that lead inside both entry hatches inside the ship.