Insurrection- As always i hope you all enjoy map new map. also leave feedback it's very appreciated! please download again if you are fallowing this map i fixed a few things!!! fixed a few things new version is up Inspiration my inspiration for this map was the pit and right down to the weapons set but i wanted to see what it would be like if i elevated the map a little bit (thanks for reminding me soul slasher) Description _____________________________________________________________________ A 4v4 symmetrical map with experimental ways to get around. It plays fast for every game type. IN away it feels like the pit short of a spiritual remake not really tho Weapons ______________________________________________________________________ X 1 Shotgun ( 180 secs)(2 clips) ( it's powerful on this map) X 2 sniper rifles (130 secs) (2 clips) X 4 DMR (30 secs)(3 clips) X 4 Needle rifle(30 secs)(3 clips) X 4 needler(30 secs)(3 clips)(hard to to a good lock with this here) X 2 spiker(30 secs)(3 clips) X 1 pro pipe XD (120 secs)(5 clips) X 1 sword (120 secs) X 2 concussion rifle (135 secs)( 2 clips)(for countering shotguns and sword) X 2 plasma pistol(30 secs) X 4 frags X 8 plasma nades X 2 AR video ______________________________________________________________________ (NOTE: thats the spawns have been fixed and the weapons adjusted.) YouTube - Insurrection- gameplay‏ pictures ______________________________________________________________________ Overview
good job man! this kept me interested the entire time. i like how you used so many different pieces and uncommon ones too. like the bottom side of the 2 story tower. oh and as always love the waterfalls
I love the map. You continued styles and objects throughout the map giving it a great look. I like the rock areas, they work well with the antena. Everything else is neatly forged. Even the door ways look cool. The fountain looks good too. I love it you have my DL.
So many good looking maps all of the sudden, and this is one of em'. First, let me say that the aesthetics are gorgeous, especially the little waterfalls. Second, everything looks so neatly forged-Not a single thing out of place. Third, I can't get a really good idea of the layout, if it's possible, could you post an overview? That'd be great. Otherwise, this looks great.
@TOMisHIGH Thanks man, i am glad you like the looks of the map i was trying to use some peaces in ways haven't really seen before i am glad it works i hope you enjoy the way it plays to man thanks! @SquidMan33 Yeah i am gald you like the rocks with the antenna, i was trying for a unique looks for this map i wanted to try and make it where it both plays and look well without affecting game play. as for everything else lol us forgers gotta do the best we can with what we have right. i am humbled you enjoy this map! @EightBall well bro i thought you whould like this map after all you get a "thanks" for inspiring some of the aesthetics on this map like the fountain, i hope you like the gameplay as well. thanks guys for the feedback
As i've said, love the rocks. The weapons, and layout, after debating in a game. The one kid kept on calling me a camper, lol. The sniper destroys on this map. I was really suprised when sword didn't take much attention from anyone. I'm disappointed that the jump pad wasn't working... Overall a great map. PS, the thread doesn't mention the pit layout and weapons.
Shi11tenshi, you have been able to do what I have yet to do- post a map and have people instantly interested. Your ability to place everything so neatly and with purpose is just astounding and from everything I have seen you do, I like it all quite a bit. In fact you have inspired some aspects of my recent creations. You should feel good about what you have created, its very well done. Keep up the good work.
Oh wow, this is an example of setting the use of good aesthetics and a well set up map using the advantages of all the new shapes on forgeworld. I absolutely like this map and would reccomend it.
Great map i love it. Gameplay looks really smooth on this map, and i especially like the area with the sword. I have never seen someone use rocks and anntanaes like that before. not sure about the fr yet, i still have to get a game in on this... but you got a download from me! Good job 9/10. Ps: i like what you made in the last pic. (waterfall??)
I was very flattered by this comment you have left me here. everything i do in forge every peace i places i think about it i ask these questions "dose it look good? dose this feel fun to move around it? is there enough ways in and out?" i stick with this theory in forging. and i think my maps turn out well. as for getting your maps noticed, just hang in there man. after like a year i am just now getting my maps noticed so all you really got to do is hang in there man keep working on your maps. you'll get there in no time and besides my maps are far from popular lol [br][/br]Edited by merge: well sugar i am enthralled you enjoy my work. all i really did with this map is mix up the peaces a bit. the layout is fairly standard but like i have said before players just need simple maps sometimes thanks man! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yes sir the gameplay i think its flawless. I try and do my best with every map i do. as for the looks of the maps just trying out a few things i picked up from the wonderful halo community. about FR i havnt found any problems with it i still have like 3000+ on the budget but if you do let me know man thanks for the feedback!!!!
i have yet to play this map, but what i have seen, is your second best work, and every time i forge, i look at your maps currently to get different idea's on what i should do with my maps, keep up the amazing work ekim. your friend, kanako yanigaha
Thank you my friend, i hope you to can continue on you make your own epic works. Just hang in there man you will only get better.
well i do my best. its to bad no body knows what i can do. or they don't care whichever. neither really matters, its stiff to compete with the other great well known forgers out there
i am glad to see you like some of the LOOKS on this map. it was inspired by tomishigh. let me know what you think of the gamplay. its helps me make better maps for you.
I just had a run through of your map and it's pretty sweet. Before I start I thought I'd mention to you that the red base thingy is a hair out or at least it was in forge. I love how nice these maps people a creating look. One problem I've been coming upon as everyone strives to make a nicer looking map is how much gameplay suffers from the new asthetics. Fortunetly I have seen a swing in map creation lately towards the old school style of map design which is tighter, faster and cleaner. What you have built here is a great combination of asthetics and playability. I can say this confidently even though I've only ran through the map in forge. I wish I could build a map half as appealing as insurrection while still being fun to play. I think I've got game play down but now I'm trying to add the asthetics. I'll add this map to a rare few others that I set as my goal on creatings asthetics that accentuate gameplay. PS. I love the two story building as wall. I did the same thing a couple months back with Scooby Shootout that I've yet to upload. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'll be posting a map called Baltis Causeway within the next week and I would appreciate your opinion. Too many maps to post all within a couple weeks I thought I could do it in a week. How wrong was I.
yeah i am not perfect and i wont pretend to be either. i get inspiration for a veratiy of places my biggest influence is bungie, and the community that builds all the wonderful maps i see around here. The way i make a maps is layout and gameplay frist. looks come dead last, even tho people wine about aesthetics not being good or whatever but from my experience people overlook those flaws once there are other players in game, but i wont lie having a good looking maps helps. but not a whole lot it just pushed it over the edge. here something that helps me i make my maps to this formula layout: is the map easy to understand? movement: how easy is it to move around are there 3 or more ways to move in and out of a room and get away if needed? balance : are the weapons and other items placed around in a fair manor so no team as an advantage over the other? playability: how easy / fun is it to play in? aesthetics: dead last sure its nice if maps look good but in truth it hurts them more then anything i picked this up from bungie(dot)net and i fallow this list to the note and i think my maps always turn out great (off topic yes i will offer my advice to anyone who wants it, so yeah man i will look at your maps and give you good honest feedback.