comprehensive knowing halo for nearly 10 years, I have decided to take back to an old school layout. Something utterly simple. it was inspired by looking at old 2D formated games that would only give you the birds eye-view while traversing. Although small, it has proven extremely fun when placing multiple teams of 2 or 3 for an all out brawl as well as king of the hill and odd ball. haha pictures speak for themselves. now as far as the technical information about them. Assault rifles: 2 clips, spawn in 30 seconds DMRs: 2 clips, spawn in 30 seconds Shotgun: as is, spawns in 90 seconds Needler: 1 clip, spawns in 60 seconds Hammer: spawns in 180 seconds Grenade launcher: 2 shots, spawns in 120 seconds Armor abilities spawn in 60 seconds Health Stations spawn in 15 seconds As far as the aesthetics, They're beautiful as well as ballanced
I love the concentration of details to this map. Very well done, though you are right about its size does feel small sadly. I'd love to see a large scale of this with your own cool game mode to it! Good job on the map!
The map personally looks tight but there are a good number of paths and looks like a fun gametype for 2 on 2. I do like the back of the map, that is pretty creative with the walkway covers. It seems balanced and easy to get around rather than a tight, easy getting lost kinda map which seems to always pop up once in a while. I would like to try this out on 2 on 2. Good work my friend.
Thanks! 2v2 is excellent for this layout for that is what it was primarily intended for however testing it as much as I have, the gravity, though spawns in 3 minutes, can easily turn into a nuisance around those tight corners. I placed the shotgun to counter that with the evade but still! haha if there is to be any map perfectly suited for a hammer, this is one of them! Hope you enjoy the map