DOWNLOAD HERE Hi guys! I discovered Forgehub a while ago and I thought it was a great idea for a forum so I've recently decided to join up! This will be my first posted map as a FH member. Getting down to business... Behemoth is a large, symmetrical, multi-layered map that provides loads of fun for every gametype. However, lowering respawn times would be a good idea for objective matches. It plays best with a larger number of people, at least above 6, but can also be a good 1v1 slayer map. Come to think of it, I believe this map would work well with any number of players as long as you switched the weapon set around. The current weapon set contains pretty powerful weapons because it has been designed to keep flag captures more difficult in CTF matches. Feel free to switch it around as you see fit. Behemoth's weapon set: Sniper Rifle: 1x Beam Rifle: 1x Carbine: 2x Battle Rifle: 6x SMG: 2x Plasma Rifle: 2x Mauler: 2x Rocket Launcher: 1x Shotgun: 2x Brute Shot: 1x Frag Grenade: 4x Plasma Grenade: 4x Fire Bomb Grenade: 2x Bubble Shield: 1x Trip Mine: 2x Behemoth's layout gives it somewhat of a "V" shape, but imagine the V stretched not this way <----->, but towards you to make it three-dimensional. That's the closest I can describe it in words without making it way too confusing, so I will provide multiple pictures in this thread. The centre of the V are the even-leveled bridges. The sides of the V are the slanting boxes. The V is cut horizontally in half by walls and two single boxes, one of which is slightly open to allow you to crawl on through. Atop the slanting boxes are horizontal floors. Each side is its own base. Here's Blue Base. And here's Red Base. In the wall surrounding these floors are chutes which you can drop down. Once you've dropped down, you will be on top of the flag spawn in the tunnels which are the ground floor of the map. These tunnels span the whole length of the map and eventually lead back up onto the bridges on the bottom of the "V" via boxes. The boxes lead you back out at each end of the "V". This stupid thing gets in the way somewhat. So I had to compensate by mirroring that on the other side with a window panel. In case you still need a better look, here's some more pics for ya. There are a couple bumps with the angled boxes, but it took me hours upon hours to get the angles as close as I could. There's only one bump that impedes at all. Also, I had to resort to somewhat cruel ways of keeping people within the map (darn grenade jumping..), so a few aesthetics were compromised to preserve gameplay. Anyway, thanks a lot for checking this out and I hope you enjoy. Happy gaming, and keep it brutal! ImI METAL ImI
looks quite amazing. You show amazing interlocking ability and the window panel is nice symmetrical touch. The chutes = great. The map = awesome. Just saying tho, now that this is a correct thread, you can take off the "Correct Post" from title. Just keep the name, looks better, otherwise excellent!!!
its cool... glad to help out :] just go to edit post, then advanced options near bottom and then at top you just delete part of name that is un needed and Wah-lah!!! Click save and your done :] Glad I can be of assisstance. cya round and seriously, its a great map, look foward to more from you :]
Pshhhhh, lemme long..? I'd say about 40 hours. However, I am a notoriously slow worker. Edit: Why thank you kind sir zstrike.
its a good map but it could be better if you put a little more effort into interlocking the sides/ramps it could play alot smoother, you did a nice job on interlocking throught the map but forgot to on the main part 4/5 and i do like the dropdown parts
Yeah the problem with interlocking the sides is I have run out of things to balance the boxes on so I can move them about. I had a system of tilting the boxes and balancing them so I could position them. If I was accompanied by a fellow forger I could've interlocked 'em, but alas I was alone. I agree it would be better for the sides to be interlocked, but I fear that now it is a lost cause =\. Oh well.
I checked this one out tonight and, it was ok. I liked the center sloping style and it mostly looked good, but for anyone reading this who thinks this is cool but hasn;t played it, don't get all worked up. Gameplay is rather weak. I just got a quick party together and boy there was sure not enough cover up in the main area. You really should have interlocked things jutting out of the sides of the slope to make it more interesting and to provide more cover.
very interesting design. i like the look of it a lot, nice ramp and chutes and everything. very cool idea having the little opening which drops down. nice job.
wow, looks great, and i know what you mean about sacrificing aesthetics it fricken sucks! they give us all the items yet we cant place them all grumble grumble grumble haha
I guess so, Brute. But all I could possibly do now for cover is make like floating boxes or pallets lol. And I think the weapon setup might be a tad too strong. I just thought initially that flag captures would be far too easy. I'll see if creating cover is a reasonable or doable thing, thanks for the feedback.
One thing I see that concerns me in the pictures is the snipe at the top of that open area. I could image a decent sniper could dominate that area due to lack of cover. That one window panel on a giant hill isn't going to do much. I might be wrong but thats just what I see from the pictures. I understand there is only 1 clip in each snipe but it just seems like it would be easy to pick off the other team (esp in objective games) I wanna check out the spawning too. I'll do a walk through after I clear up my 100 limit and get back to ya.
I see what you're saying Duff, but I think that should be the advantage you receive for getting up there first and holding the high ground. I also meant for it to be difficult for captures or bomb scores so having that sniping position helps keep players from capturing flags so easily. But you're right, it would suck in a 1v1 match to have your opponent just camp up there...maybe I oughta put a few more fusion coils up top there... Thanks for the feedback =)
Not bad This is decent i dont like the maps layout it doesnt seem intriguing to me but i think you did a good job on interlocking where possible try somthing else it might work out better
Looks great and fun and all that positive stuff, but interlocking would make it so much better. All the bumps and gaps in the floor are sure to cause issues with the gameplay.
=\ Yeah. Sure wish I had actually discovered interlocking before getting all the walls done. As for me I think it'd kill me to remake this map ( I really need something new to do), but I'd love to see someone else's rendition of Behemoth. Anybody who feels like giving it a shot definitely has my permission, as long as you slip me a little credit. Maybe you're up to it Camofo?