Hey guys. Long time no map. Today, that changes, as I present to you: Tron City: Flynn's Arcade, which is a replica of the set used in the film Tron: Legacy. The map features the Arcade(or rather, its digital double), a few streets, and a Recognizer, which is a type of airship used commonly in the films. Here are some pics: A recognizer spots a spartan Yep. It's even got a spotlight. Street overview The famous arcade itself. The home of Tron. "And then, I got in!" So that's it for now. I'll probably make a Dev Commentary about how it all came together soon. I think that if you're a movie buff like me or you just like Tron, this is for you.
well, i'm impressed. i'm sitting here thinking "yeah thats pretty cool, he used a grid and everything for the-- OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT FLYNN'S ARCADE" The outside of that arcade is beautiful, dude
@Chuck: Thank you! I took the effort to reconstruct it from photo reference that has gathered on the internet, and the whole "Flynn's" sign was simply too defining of a feature to leave out. I'm glad you like it!
Dude. Holy ****, flying batman aids. This is awesome. You need to recreate that scene where clue corruptz tron. Lulz. Overall amazing work, here, have a cookie. I don't have anything to suggest other than that because it is already so sexy.
@ A Legit Taco: Yeah that would be a pretty cool scene to recreate. However, I currently have a different plan: How'd you guys like to see a replica of Castor's Nightclub?
please make this for infection. This would be great for Zomberz. Streets and darnkness = zombies. oh and cool map. Arcade is the best part EDIT: And you may want to take of the roof. It ruins the feel of the map. actually you should delete all of the coliseum wall and use those walls to make skyscrapers and other buildings to make this feel more realistic. Seriosly. Add this edit and infection, and this is a 9/10. probably
Dude best TRON themed map I've seen in Halo. Great job on the inside and outside of the arcade, the Recognizer ain't half bad either. In fact your Recognizer proves that making one in Forge that looks decent is possible so I'm going to attempt to make one in one of my maps. I definitely agree that you should create The End of Line club next. The only suggestion I could make is maybe add even more pictures in order to further highlight your awesome map. DL and Liked.
Wow! I'm glad you guys really like the map! @firedrone8: Sorry man, but making the map for an infection gametype isn't in the cards for now, due to the construction of the end of line club. As for the "roof", I'll explain that in the dev commentary when I have the time to make it. @DeltaFoxtrot262: You're free to use my recognizer design in whatever map you wish. It's also not too difficult to make one that's more accurate, but I designed that one to be more economical for large-scale maps. Again, thanks for the reception and comments!
I never got to see Tron: Legacy, which I probably should've... but this is F***ing amazing! I like how you have the arcade that leads to the entire city itself! Great job on the City!
@Maxx Ray 006: thank you! I'm glad you like it. And I definitely recommend seeing Tron: Legacy, if only for the music and art style of the film(its written by they guys who wrote Lost, so the story's a bit tongue-tied). As always, thank you!