Luminosity Hello all! and welcome to Luminosity. This is my first post ever made on this site!(not my first map) Luminosity is a very small, enclosed map which is pretty much perfect for 1v1. At most it can handle 3v3, but it is CRAZY(in a slightly good way) 2v2 also works pretty well. Here are the weapons on the map 2 Needlers 2 Dmrs 1 Rocket launcher (180 secs + 2 shots) 2 Shotguns (180 secs + 6 shots each. 4 Medkits Finally! pics Centerpiece Centerpiece (other side) Roofless pic (initial spawn zones are cut of from top and bottom) Initial Spawn Zones overhead shot from blue side over head from yellow side Yes, i know i used about 15 rocks for the centerpice. And NO, their is no lag watsoever. Aside from forge in 1 spot, but its completly fine in custom games. Anyways tell me wat u guys think!
I love the way this map looks aesthetically, but to be frank it has to be one of the worst designed maps I've ever seen. You have teams spawning in a tiny room with only one way out. This automatically sends a red flag. You're effectively spawning people inside the yellow lift of Sword Base, which is asking to be camped. It doesn't help that rockets are right on top either. Also, you say you don't have framerate issues, yet when I scope in towards the center piece I have massive dropped frames. Again, this map looks beautiful, but it's going to play terribly. It should probably be an aesthetic map used for machinima instead.
well thanks for the reply, im kinda sad to hear that :/ But just to clarify, those "tiny rooms" are used for an initial spawn, not a spawn. I only did that to make the start of the game a mad dash for the rockets in the middle which is pretty fun. But if you still dont like those rooms i could probably edit it sometime in the future to make it better. thanks for your reply Also its kinda hard to camp the room with rockets, considering it has only 2 shots every 180 secs.
It looks like ur using a mancannon to light the center of the blue side centerpiece, u Yes? Well, how does that come into play during gameplay. 3 legged goat mentioned framerate when scoped at the centerpieces. I would highly suggest removing the lights from the map, as well as that mancannon, because it KILLS ur map. I understand it looks cool. But gameplay > asthetics is crucial in the competitive section good luck
I really like your sun aesthetic. I initially used one similar on my latest map, but it turned out to be too resource intensive so had to swap it out for something more simple. :\ Also, you mentioned that you wanted the beginning of the match to be a mad rush for the rockets.... Its always better to present players with options, and let them decide for themselves how they want to proceed. Take my latest map for example. Players have four options presented to them at the start of the match. Each choice has its own set of pros and cons, and its vital especially in team games to decide who's going to do what. This is vital even with 2v2.
Well guys thanks for all the feedback. I will surely use all of these suggestions to improve this map or my next.
Well, I can give you some feedback once I get some games on this. First, let me say that this looks extremely beautiful. Those rock pieces look so amazing and very creative. I also like that you put some light into this map, most maps are bland and everyone knows it's hard to add color to the ugly gray forge pieces Bungie decided to give us. If there is lag you should definetly think about removing the man cannon/grav lift, that way you can reduce the amount of framerate when looking at the rock piece. Well, that's all for now, I'll be sure to come back and provide some more feedback. Awesome looking map though.
Thanks eightball. Yes i do agree i should remove the lights and the grav lift, but i just wanted to make a colorful map ya know? maybe i will make a v2 but i think im done with this map, since i already have 2 in testing. Thanks for the reply!
See, were not all hyper-critical though it is true that a sexy map post gets more DLs!! In the end everyone here at FH is out to help you, not get u, and i hope u continue to forge and post maps
Hello, this looks cool, great looking central pieces. The spawns are too simple but I understand this is a very small map, for 1 v 1 - 2 v 2. Floor also looks great.