Went into this map inspired by the unreal tournament 2003 map orbital 2. Also drew from past halo maps. Is the map I've come out the happiest with. Its a mid/large size symmetrical map Best for 4v4 team slayer and ctf 2 snipes, 2 shottys, 1 sword, 1 rockets, 1 concussion rifle, 1 grenade launcher, 6 dmr's, 4 needle rifles, 2 needlers, 2 pea shooters, 4 health packs, 2 mounted machine guns Heres where you spawn Can head up the middle path down the wide hallways to the main room The door in the wide hallway leads to the sniper room overlooking the main room The path to the right would have brought you to the transporter room Heres where you come out The left path brings you up to the 3rd floor WHere it comes out in the main room Bridge across the main room to the other teams side The main room entrance to the tunnel braces over to the transporter platforms the pit in the middle Hope yall enjoy any feedback would be much appreciated
Thanks, heres a couple more pics the ramps at either end of the main room pic of the final versions of the transporter platforms hallway up to 3rd floor
This map looks really good. I love the open center area matched with tight corridors. The aesthetics are also very nice and it looks really well forged. Overall, very nice job, DL for me. My only suggestion though, is that there seems to be an overabundance of power weapons, try fixing that up a little bit for balance issues.
Thanks. Might be a power weapon or two heavy, but only testing will tell. Am a fan of using power weapons to draw players out into more vulnerable areas and increase the importance of map control.