flagging aint banning, I've encountered what he was talking about, and it's only if you hack more items than physically possible. It just says "cheating" when logging in, nothing else..
[sub]What is the guide doing to the nurse?[/sub] Little house. Anyway, I have 50k health and 25k mana and havent been told i'm cheating yet.
So yeah, I bought Terraria. I don't like the guide, he needs to go help someone else. Um, too many slimes. And not enough iron. I die like.. at least twice every night. Fun game is fun. Played it for 4 hours, time for sleep.
I kinda thought the same until yesterday. I was getting a bit bored...But then I checked out the wiki and saw there was so much more to the game than I thought. If you haven't already, I'd suggest doing so too. Also, the server system is great. I use it for having friends drop in and out for boss fights and stuff. And the character system is great. You don't lose everything if you start a new world like in Minecraft. Although I have been getting a few annoying crashes. I put everything I'm not using in chests. So when the game crashes, the world resets to what it was when I started playing that session, and I only keep whats on my character. So I end up losing lots of mana stars and the like. Also, Skeletron is a *****. The eye of Cthulu is easy enough to kill, and the big wormy boss is alright too (Farming him gets some serious armor), but Skeletron is a *****.
Yeah, Skele**** is a *****. I'm just about to record my fight against the Eye of Cthulhu with my Necro armour and minishark, it should be fun. I would already have it recorded, but last night (In game) I got a damned Blood Moon. This night should be good though.
I hate Blood moons so freaking much. The rare time I bother to stay miles away from my house at night is always a blood moon...
Just for you Pino I've merge a load of screenshots together so you can see my castle Spoiler Yes. It is on a floating island
^That is freaking amazing... I have yet to see a floating island. Or at least go high enough to see one. I have every NPC is my house now, just need to get a gun for the Arms dealer.