Map Name: --Theta v1.3 (This is my first ever map so bear with me) Description: --This is a Foundry map. It is symmetrical along the "track" in the middle of foundry. --The "A" side is exactly the same as the "B" side --The map is contained in the open part of Foundry. --The map has a "T" shaped sructure in the center. There are two "bases" at left and right of the bottom of the "T" structure. --I used "object melding" to create a unique playing field. Weapon placment/spawn time were decided so the map would play like an MLG map. The weapon set is conservative. --The player spawns are carefully positioned to aviod "spawn kills" and "spawn trapping." Gametypes: --Works with all game variants but works best with slayer, MLG slayer, oddball, king of the hill, or SWAT. --Works best with 4-8 players. Weapons: --2 Maulers, 1 Sniper Rifle, 1 Rocket Launcher, Plenty of BR's and Carbines. --The Sniper and the Rocket "drop from the sky" on spawn. This technique causes them to disssappear quickly after their spawn (about 30 sec). I used this technique so the power weapons are not overused. Pictures: B Base Front: B Base Ramp Entrace: B base Side of T: Top of T along back wall: Overview: Download Map
he said something about a T shaped structure t theta idk well from what i can see it looks ok i bet u used image shack you used the wrong bar i dont use imageshack i think photobucket works better if you need any help read the link in my sig or send me a PM
i;ve seen a lot of these MLG type maps and i'm getting kind of sick of them. but since they almost all practically play the same it has to be good. What happened to original ideas now a days...
This looks like a well made map. The only thing is you could have interlocked the walls into the double boxes