YouTube - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - America Under Siege - Teaser Trailer (OFFICIAL) YouTube - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - England Teaser YouTube - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Germany Teaser YouTube - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - France Teaser America • England • Germany • France Apparently this one will be coming back to our shores, picking it up right where MW2 left off. Kotaku has plenty more details including the return of spec-ops, 20 or so multiplayer maps, and apparently, a Gears style survival mode. Also the game's supposedly due to drop on November the 8th. Discuss.
another one!? you would think they would have learned the first couple time and maybe thought of something more creative.
I'm going to rent this and see if they fix any of it. As for the survival mode, didn't a Star Wars game have that first? Star Wars the Clone Wars I think. It had an "Academy" mode that was baisically fight waves of enemies as long as you could. At least it was the first one I know of.
dya know that they've already got dlc planned for it? the content of its done, but theyre holding it for dlc.
Irrelevant The Gears comment was mainly to reference a recent title that took advantage of the survival type mode. Call of Duty has kept me mildly interested over the last few years however with three developers on task now, I can imagine we could at least expect something new on the multiplayer front. Last time I checked Raven was taking the reigns on MP, while IW and Sledgehammer were working out the rest of the set.
Kind of a **** teaser trailer. I'm going to rent this one because I just get bored of CoD games too fast. Would loved to be proved wrong, but I'm anticipating major disappointment.
Ballsy move Activision. Release a trailer for MW3 10 days before the court hearing which will determine whether you even own the rights to the Modern Warfare series.
I saw this when I went on to YouTube today. France, England, Germany. Waiting for Canada now. Honestly, I'll buy/rent because Cpt. Price is a badass. No other real reason since the multiplayer will probably break within a month or two.
Kotaku have a shitload of info on this. Apparently, the multiplayer is much improved, and they've somehow managed to get the entire campaign. THIS is the multiplayer info. THIS(Warning, massive spoilers) is the campaign stuff. I'm actually pretty excited about this, there seems to be much more work going into it.
The case should honestly be dismissed. Activision bought the intellectual property rights in the first place. So, the creators have no stake in ownership of the IP. They could sue for loss and damages, but they're never going to get the franchise. They could probably get their old jobs back as well, but it's doubtful that they'd want them anyways. I think it's unfair that they were fired and their bonuses withheld, but they refused to work further on the franchise, so they were let go. Too bad, so sad, but they did this too themselves. Although, they should probably get the money they're owed.
West and Zampella have contractual creative control over the Modern Warfare brand, so unless a judge rules heavily in favour towards Activision, there's a chance that they'll be able to veto any Modern Warfare games being released, including MW3.
Assuming the game is actually released, I'll probably end up getting once the price has dropped a bit, because it's basically the only MP game most of my friends play.
I don't know, but am I the only one who find these teasers to be extremely shitty? It's obvious after the 2+ released for each game that there just there to say "Hey, remember the most generic and easy to get into FPS on the market, well we're still here!" And sadly I'll probably end up getting it after I've vowed not to get a new CoD after WaW. Feels bad man.
I swear this will be my last CoD, I want to finish up on the modern warfare story and place a bullet in Makarov's head! Plus this is the only thing my friends play nowadays. Great time to move onto Skyrim or GOOD games
I'm going to follow a strict "rent it/ ask for opinions from peers" policy for my games from now on. I wasted $120 on Homefront and Brink and I don't wanna keep making the same mistakes. I can't see a whole lot being done with this game compared to mw2, so its a toss up.
I'm definately not going to buy this. I will rent to finish the story and play a little multiplayer. If (and this is a really BIG IF) their isn't any problem with lag/seeing things later than others I may rent it. I rented Black Ops and couldn't play it after a certain time because their servers weren't up to the strain when people come back from work, and it's only now that every one has moved onto Black Ops that I can play MW2 and not be a split second behind. Now that I think of it the "One a Year" business model may actually work. All of the people who just want to play the latest, regardless of how much better it actually is, make up the majority of the players. My only problems are with connection speed, and when they leave everything get's better for me, so I may buy this used when the next comes out and draws everyone away from MW3, that depends on if it's better or not. It really sucks that they aren't willing to invest anything in better connections when that's the only thing that aggrivates me about the game. No other game I know of has this problem, not even Battlefield!
Well, agreeing with R Richard P26 and Spawn of Saltine, I'm probably going to rent it. I liked the story of MW1 and 2, and just want to see a conclusion (please stop at 3 Modern Warfare games, IW, even though I know you probably won't, I BEG YOU). Cinematically, one and two were great in my eyes, and I hope three won't disappoint. I've given up on CoD multiplayer. I've seen more innovative and unique mods for CoD 4 than the changes between each subsequent CoD title. That and, well, I just don't like the in-your-face shooter like that. It's a shooter with ADHD.
Meh I just don't even know if I can get excited about cod anymore. The survival mode sounds cool though.
That doesn't mean what you think it means. That contract means that within the Activation owned IP, West and Zampella have complete control over creative decisions. That means art direction, level content. Hell its the reason why the "No Russian" level was put in despite Activation being against it. But Activation still owns the brand. That means merchandising and advertising rights which is what their doing now. Infinity Ward is owned by Activation not a partner of, therefore it CANNOT own an IP.
Neither can I , in fact I have given up on CoD. My reaction to the teasers was a groan. "Are they really putting out another one?" I said that, but it was expected. CoD is a money *****, and for some reason a lot of people like this dirty money *****. If that statement is asked to be taken down just let me know via PM and I will alter it. I assume nobody would be uncomfortable about it, but I wanted to give the option.