
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by EpicChief117, May 15, 2011.

  1. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    The forerunners died. But not all reminder of thier existence was lost to the march of time. And so, where blood spilled in ancient times, blood is spilled once again.

    Hello and welcome to Cascade. Before i confuse you with statistics, i will show you some of the areas in the map.


    The red base and the blue base each have one teleporter to a tower on the right in the picture. Each base is also complete with some decorative cover and a sniper nest.

    That centre structure you can see in the picture houses a rocket launcher but for those who:(a) Like to use the scenery to their advantage.
    (b) Feel helpless when they see some guy run away with the power


    In the building to the right, the centre floor is only accessible by teleporter or jetpack. The top floor is accessable by jetpack or the grav lift at the bottom floor. The top floor is an excellent sniper nest but explosives await the sniper camper.


    The last structure is that huge thing in the distance (in the picture above) it has only one floor and houses a shotgun. Now for the confusing stats.

    Sniper Rifle x2: 160 second respawn, 1 extra mag.
    DMR x3: 50 second respawn, 2 extra mags.
    Plasma Rifle x2: 55 second respawn.
    Rocket Launcher: 180 second respawn, 1 extra mag.
    Concussion Rifle: 120 second respawn, no extra mags.
    Shotgun: 120 second respawn, 1 exrta mag.

    Warthog x2: 160 second respawn.
    Ghost x2: 120 second respawn.

    Feedback is welcome as this can help to make this map better.

    #1 EpicChief117, May 15, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  2. Ondley

    Ondley Forerunner

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    wow this looks like a nice map! I have a few questions that would answer my thoughts though.

    In the main base, how many levels are there?

    I wasn't too sure as to where the teleporter led so if you could clarify :)

    I like how there is a Valhalla-ish feel to your bases, like the fusion coil on the ledge near the drop.
    Last thing, I think your spawn times might be a tad too long :)
    Well anyhoo, that's all from me! Hope you keep on forging, looks like you have talent. A def. download for me! maybe we can play some time :)
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    There is two senders at each base that leads to one reciever in the tower with the fusion coils you mentioned.

    If you mean the centre tower, then its just a tower three story that's got some decorations on it.

    I'll check the spawn times again.

    My Gamertag is Aleksnipez37, ill add you. im doing a maptesting lobby tonight at 8:00 if you want to join.

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