Solstice Resort

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Eightball, May 13, 2011.

  1. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Map Story

    The observatory window is used for more than just viewing beautiful vistas- It also acts as solar panels to provide clean sustainable power for the inhabitants of this facility. (Use your imagination :p)

    Map Description

    Solstice Resort is a medium-small asymmetrical map made for 2-6 players. It is located on the sandbar between the coastline and the island. The inspiration to make this map came from one of my all-time favorite maps, Crystal Summit Observatory by A SILENT EMU and DONTSHOOTME. So, I say, thanks alot guys.

    NOTE: The makers of Crystal Summit have known about this map from the beginning and both agree that it is nothing like their map..

    Map Design

    Well, when I first started this map I had built it in the canyon/coastline area with the trees that I use all the time. I wanted to put a tree in the map, then thought it was too much like Crystal Summit. I was also having trouble with the shading of forge pieces due to the location of the map. I had blocks and walls that were black and other walls that were not. It looked sloppy and it really made me upset just to look at. So, without hesitation I REBUILT the map on the coastline and that's when I decided to make my map even more unique- By adding a rock pond in front of the beautiful observatory window.

    I also had a debate whether or not to face the map towards the Sun and mountains or the Waterfall. While both looked very nice I decided to go with the sun and mountains. Although this map may seem the same as Crystal Summit, it is different in many ways. One being the rock pond in front of the giant glass observatory window.

    I went with a different style of forging on this map and made this map layout more unique than my other maps.

    For instance:

    1) I used grav lifts for the first time.
    2) I made an enclosed asymmetrical map.
    3) I made more than one pathway to the second floor to prevent camping.

    While these changes may not be big, they were quite difficult to do, seeing as I haven't had much practice with them. NONETHELESS, I manged to use then in sufficient and effective ways that make gameplay even MORE FUN and FAIR.

    If you're worried about framerate lag, don't be. Framerate lag has been reduced to a minimum and with the many tests I had, there were no problems with it at all. Ask the testers, go ahead :)


    Well, I really want to thank all of the people that have helped me with this map. Especially TOMisHIGH for helping reduce framerate lag to a minimum, JGarb for helping come up with the name of the map, Perfect Jester for all of his advice, ideas and thoughts on the map. And who could forget Crypto nv, for helping me come up with a sufficient way to get to the bottom level of the map without jumping off the balcony (LOL). Thanks guys.

    I also want to thank the many testers, who were:

    1) JGarb
    2) TOMisHIGH
    3) Matty The IV
    4) Hammy The IV
    5) Vito Smalls
    6) Arctic Hunter
    8) I know I missed someone...Let me know if I did.



    x1 Plasma pistol
    x1 Rocket Launcher (Respawn: 160) (Spare clips: 0)
    x1 Needler
    x4 DMR
    x4 Plasma Grenades (Later respawn to reduce spam)
    x1 Shotgun (Respawn: 160) (Spare clips: 0)
    x2 Health Packs

    I know, I made no extra clips for the rockets and shotgun, but why should I put extra clips for POWER WEAPONS? You don't need tons of ammo to kill people with them, therefore, it is un-necessary to give you more ammo than you need. Unless you prefer getting killed constantly by someone with the shotgun or rockets?

    I made the weapons as FAIR as possible, so no-one team has an unfair advantage.


    Rockets are located in front of the glass window.

    Shotgun is located on the extended balcony on the second level of the map.

    If you're wondering why I gave you the power weapon locations, I have to say personally that I always have trouble finding the power weps on maps and it gets frustrating somtimes. So, I decided to make it easy on you and give you the locations so you could know the map just a little bit better.


    A view of the observatory window.
    A view of the top level (Red side)
    A view of the top level (Blue side)


    *NEW* VIDEO!!! >>> YouTube - Halo Reach Forged Map Ep.11 :: Solstice Resort
    DOWNLOAD!>>> : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 Eightball, May 13, 2011
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
  2. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    As I said before, I love this map! The aesthetics are great as always, and the layout is your best yet.

    Before anyone jumps on you let me say... THERE IS NO LAG. Bet you they still bring it up though lol.

  3. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I will have to try this out! It does have differences from the Crystal Summit Observatory, but it clearly shows the inspiration you had. I think the center is one of my favorite parts of the map so far. Good job!
  4. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Well I don't feel the need to say that the aesthetics are great, the inspiration is interesting, and the layout is ingenious. Because you whip out so many maps as if they were nothing, i find myself comparing and examining your map on a deeper level than a would any other. I'm glad to see that you are exploring outside of your "comfort zone" and exploring.

    As for Solstice Resort, I like the fact that you really explained your point on the fact about "overpowering" power weapons. Although I normally don't have a problem finding power weapons on maps I think Its amusing that you felt the next to describe their exact location. I like that you forge the window wall very wide and tall. Also the Backstory is short but interesting. We should forge a Map some time.

    Well done,

    Oh and the one thing I DONT like is the orange light.
    #4 SquidMan33, May 13, 2011
    Last edited: May 13, 2011
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okaaay, well, first of all I find it amusing that you find it amusing that I gave you decriptive weapon locations...That is honestly one odd thing to complain about.. Second, did you look at the screenshots? This is one of my best aesthetically pleasing maps. Third, the orange light gives more color and diversity to the map while also adding more aesthetic appeal. If it becomes a problem I can easily remove it. Thanks for your support, but most of your arguements seem a bit redundant.
  6. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    My bad, My post came across completely wrong.

    The reason I felt there was no need to say that the aesthetics are great, the inspiration is interesting, and the layout is ingenious was because I thought that it was immensely obvious that this map contained all of those qualities. I also failed to make evident that the reason I am evaluating your maps on a higher level of standards was because they are all so unique and creative. And the orange light is no problem at all. I was just commenting on the fact that compared to all the other aesthetic aspects of the map it seams trifling.

  7. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    I really only have quarrels with the fact that you used ther same picture twice (lol, 7th and 9th) and the fact that you didnt put me in the special thanks section, evan after all the time we spent on this map.

    I, for one, love how you found a way to incorperate an orange light into your map.

    PS: im going to have to try that 1x1 tall and thin inside of a rock, flat bit.
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah looks good man. Smart idea rebuilding it down on the water. Its removed those horrible black objects and gives it nice (maybe even better?) feel. You definitely strayed from the norm this time. No stairs, symmetrical and NO BINOCULARS!

    Great work.
  9. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's not a big deal, your opinion matters as does everyone elses'. Thanks again.

    Edited by merge:

    I couldn't find the pics you were talking about, but I thought I missed someone. Thanks for letting me know, you were an important advisor on this map. So thank you. I will be sure to add you to the list.

    Edited by merge:

    Nope, not one stair, not one binocular. A different forging style this time. I feel maybe the water makes it better? MAAAYBE. Also, yeah the black objects looked absolutely horrible, but I've managed to make this map look clean and neatly forged. Thanks for the comment.
    #9 Eightball, May 14, 2011
    Last edited: May 14, 2011
  10. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sup bro! It's a very nice map you have there! Amazing aesthetics and it looks like it plays well for ffa gametypes too! For some reason your maps always seem to amaze me, and sometimes you are my inspiration when i make maps! I just wan't to say that you are an awesome map maker and some of my maps couldn't have been done without you! BIG love bro! Never stop making these great maps! :)

    P.S Add me on XBOX Live and I can test out maps with ya!
    #10 raptororieon, May 14, 2011
    Last edited: May 14, 2011
  11. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    I love the huge open window you built really adds character to the map, also the clean open design really makes you feel like your there. Though the view from the window is kinda lame lol, I does actually add to that open feel. I also like the addition of the rocks which help to nice and clean nature feel to it. Really does feel like a resort so overall I think this map is well done and holds a fair amount of cover which will add to fast paced action even do to the size of the map. Wouldn't mind seeing a zombie game mode in the map seems interesting with the feel of the map, but it would be to open and to much levels of floors which would give humans a upper hand still good job! I think you should try to make a game mode where you have to camp out at the window for a specific time while others repeated waves attack you as you hold out. Seems interesting to me! :D Great map again!

    Edited by merge:

    Well I did have a SUPA AZZ LONG POST about this awesome map, but apparently it was to long so heres the short hand of whats awesome about your map:

    The areas are a combination of open and tight even with the size of the map. The map also holds a great amount of character with the huge glass window view, but you're not getting much to look at lol. The addition of multiple floors add to another interesting addition to the map. Zombies would be interesting, but to many floors and open areas for easy kills.

    You should make a game mode where one teams has to stand near the open window area and wait for there for a specific time until they win, while the get attacked by waves of enemies. It seems interesting with how they'll have to work with there surroundings and limited resources even against the odds. Seems interesting and new to a map of this greatness! :D

    Good job once again for doing and excellent job on another great map can't wait to seem whats next and remember you want to add something that'll really make it stand out give a new mechanic to it! Such as shooting a fusion coil or mine to drop a crate and cover a door ( hints to my new idea for a map ;D ). Good job once again! :)

    Edited by merge:

    ^ Oh, never mind theres my super long post up from my other post lol didn't see it up there!
    #11 hollow123, May 14, 2011
    Last edited: May 14, 2011

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    I was a tester and i was missed out :(

    Great map though, the aesthetics are just great and the layout is very good,

    Still wondering if you made KOTH fairer ;)
  13. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Don't worry about long posts, it's what you're supposed to do. Anyways, I find it a bit odd that you think the view is "lame", seeing as you can clearly see the beautiful snow-peaked mountains and the shining sun through it. If you get some games on this let me know how it plays out, thanks for the comments.

    Edited by merge:

    Nope, your name is up there in the testers list now. Yes, I did make KOTH fair. I fixed the problems and added more hills. Thanks for the help.
    #13 Eightball, May 14, 2011
    Last edited: May 14, 2011

    C0N5TANTINE Forerunner

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    Well done good sir, the map looks great, and I really like the size too. not to big not to small. I look forward to see what you come up with next!
  15. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    this looks great, and looks as if it would have really good gameplay. my only concern is that it reminds me too much of crystal summit observatory. see if you can add any more uniqueness to it. i mean, seriously, you're eight ball! aesthetics are your thing.
  16. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    I'm diggin the looks of this map. Definitely reminds me of CSO but it still has its own unique look and feel. I also like the switch up in weapons and the water area. The grav lifts were also a great idea as an alternative way to get up to the top. Really nice job.
  17. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Well, I took a look at crystal summit, And I compared Solstice Resort to it and I feel that crystal summit was way less appealing. I think that really the only two things the two maps have in common would be the observatory windows and a balcony. Even so I feel EightBall manipulated both of these to his own style. Just saying to those who keep comparing the two.
  18. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    there is NO framerate issues when looking through the windows even with the orange light. we spent alot of time trying to figure this one out. 8BALL FTW

  19. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hay eightball! This is looking awesome...the post looks great, tetw nicely layed out and presented. A great amount of work has gone into this. The map looks great, another strong competitive map with a great lay out, nice use of different levels, inclines, and cover. The water feature and large window really adds to the map , giving a nice looking stage to do battle in.
    You've definitely got competitive map making skills with a number of great layouts and aesthetically pleasing. Great work
  20. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    As far as I have ever been able to tell, framerate spikes with glass mostly occur when the engine has to render forge objects on the other side. So looking through a big bank of windows at half of the map can be a serious problem, but looking through the exact same windows at Forge World's built-in scenery usually is not. I've stuck to that philosophy ever since - windows need to be exterior walls only, not stuck in the middle of the map (unless it's a really simple design or the view from the window shows nothing much).

    Anyway I've always been a fan of that device - kudos on a beautiful map.

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