Well.... Here's my third map up on Forge Hub, and its my first competitive one too, so I'm not sure if it's balanced or not... But here goes anyway! Here are the pictures: Two bases, one red, one blue. Middle tower, minefield, and all those secret goodies. INGREDIENTS: Red Base -Weapons and Grenades Two Spikers 3 frag grenades 2 Assault rifles 2 DMRs 1 plasma launcher 1 rocket launcher 1 sniper rifle 1 grenade launcher 1 needler -Vehicles/Turrets 1 machine gun turret 3 different warthogs 1 scorpion 2 mongooses 1 Banshee 1 shade turret Middle Zone/Minefield -Weapons 1 energy sword 1 needler Blue Base -Weapons 1 sniper rifle 1 spartan laser 2 shotguns 1 rocket launcher 1 grenade launcher 2 DMR 2 Spikers 2 Assault Rifles -Vehicles/Turrets 1 falcon 1 scorpion 1 banshee 3 different warthogs 2 machine gun turrrets -End-
Im guessing theres a tank in the first picture? I see a tank in the last two photos. Just by looking at it the tank can't go no where therefore it is used as a defensive weapon. I would recommend either taking the tanks out, or setting up the game types so the tanks can only spawn on like a team slayer match. CTF and Assault would be almost impossible with a tank protecting the base. Can you show a picture of the middle of the map. Is there a bridge? Overall i really like the design but could you provide us with more details like a weapons list, what game types you have set it up for and so forth.
I expanded the description to show things that are in each base, and yes, there is a bridge between two rocks close to blue base that includes a Spartan Laser. The tank over in red base actually CAN move around, so it can be used offensively.