Hello, this site sounds awesome. None of my friends even have reach except about a couple, and they never play it, so I definitely need friends for Reach. Here's my Gamertag: dragon3025 I'd like to take turns playing custom maps and games. I don't have any tested maps yet, but I've had experience with Reach's forging, and will soon submit one to the testing guild.
A great way to make friends is to play in our bi-weekly custom games night, TGIF. If you send a friend request to the TGIF Community gamertag, lots of people from forgehub are on there to play with! I myself will be on later.
Well I almost know. I looked at the site a bit before I joined. Alright, I sent a friend request to that gamer tag. That really helps, thanks.
Hey! Nice to see new faces. Feel welcome to sign up for my Sunday testing session that will start back up again this Sunday. There's only four on the list, but a lot more end up coming out for it, it'd be nice to have another regular!