Guarantor Detour

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Sugar, May 13, 2011.

  1. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Guarantor Detour is my thrid map here on forgehub and is a direct answer towards my problem with Clear Shot. The map is a medium sized map, roughly the size of Longshore or District. I was inspired by Rally point and Longshore in quite a bit of my map but in general, this map has its own originality.

    Guarantor Detour is mainly a urban setting in a practice field where skrimishes are held between well trained soldiers in common urban conflicts such as a sniper on the rooftops, a powerful vehicle, elevated combat and block to block firefights.

    You are given wider choices and multiple structures, level zones, and a variety of weapons. Rooftops are set throughout the map and a rocky floor is set below the roads which is a blown out structure support system. Vehicles are set on this map for fast action gameplay and there are power weapons set directly to conterattack these vehicles.

    I came up with the name Guarantor Detour from the road system and from the purpose of the military, to protect or to Guarantor. So in a sense, the map is called protector of the detour. I find the name very fitting for this since it is a military stimulation in urban warfare.

    • 7 DMRs: 30 seconds with 1 extra clip and 45 seconds with 2 spareclips.
    • 4 Needle Rifles: 45 seconds and 2 spare clips.
    • 4 Magnums: 30 seconds and 2 spare clips.
    • 3 Plasma Pistols: 30 Seconds
    • 2 Spikers: 30 seconds and 2 spare clips.
    • 1 Plasma Repeater: 30 seconds.
    • 1 Needler: 90 Seconds and 1 spare clip.
    • 2 Sniper Rifles: 120 seconds and 1 spare clip.
    • 1 Spartan Laser: 150 seconds.
    • 1 Plasma Launcher: 180 seconds.
    • 8 Grenades.
    • 4 Plasma Grenades.
    • 2 Mongeese: 30 Seconds
    • 1 Ghost: 180 seconds
    Other equipment

    • 5 Health stations: 15 seconds

    • I have spent much time testing and pefecting this map and testing this on specificly for slayer, crazy king, oddball, headhunter, and stockpile.
    • I tried making a map for the less preffered gametypes and also to make up for my bad first impression and in all, this map was for you guys.
    • I do plan on getting strong criticism again and making newer versions of this map in time as problems and ideas come along.
    • Sorry guys, I couldn't get good screenshots of the green, orange, and yellow spawns.
    • Lastly, I hope you guys enjoy the map. I would appreciate comments and strong criticism for future and better versions of this map. I hope to see some fimiliar faces come about and thanks so much for reading. Enjoy.
    Pics of Guarantor Detour












    #1 Sugar, May 13, 2011
    Last edited: May 14, 2011
  2. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    great style, small touches of color.. i like it
  3. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    I changed the brace tunnels right over the 3 room building so that camping inside of them is impossible. Sorry for not noticing before.
  4. mht03110

    mht03110 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    it looks great i cant wait to play it

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