Remake Valhalla H3 Remake

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by InClAmEnTChEiF, May 13, 2011.

  1. InClAmEnTChEiF

    InClAmEnTChEiF Forerunner

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    This is my remake of Valhalla. I vertually have remade the whole map to its original design. I just have made the bases and weapon spawn a little different since I ran out of money. Download the map using the Url. please comment and give me feedback on how I did thanks!
  2. Jimbob J

    Jimbob J Forerunner

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    Nice post . . . good pics and description, maybe add a weapons list.

    I understand you put a lot of effort into your map and probably spent a long time on it, but I have some issues with it.
    1 - It looks like Valhalla with its face melted off.
    You might want to try and experiment with parts of the gorge and find a location that doesn't require you to build the floor. You got the stream perfect, very impressive, but other things suffered because of budget constraints. - like the caves.
    It may be easier to do a "reinvisioning" of Valhalla.
    I was working on a remake of waterworks from H2 and had to change it up - too ambitious. I ended up with a variant that combined my favorite elements of waterworks ,the central sloping bridge and flanking routes, it played well and I still got comments about how it was nostalgic. You might have better luck doing something similar. Create something familiar yet fresh, leave your own thumb print.
    Aesthetics could use some work - budget constraints -
    I'm not going to comment on gameplay because I believe you should actually download someone's map first.
  3. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    It looks like a decently made remake without using ForgeWorld geometry but, nothing compares to the original. It looks like you spent plenty of time making it but, to me, I just will never like some remakes because of the shear impossibility to recreate very closely. I will give this a try nevertheless because it does look good and all. Maybe, if you can, you could try and get a video up showing some gameplay? That would be awesome.
  4. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    Ill piggy back off of what Jimbob J said. A melted version of Valhalla. You definitely should move the maps location into the gorge. Many people like the use of natural aspects of a map. In this current Version the map is pretty much metal. And the base's could use a little work from what i saw in the pictures. But I'm glad to see some1 trying to bring back this excellent classic halo 3 map. Budget i understand too.

    I'd like to see what the next version of this maps looks like. (if you do)

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