Hey Everyone Im back with my second race track map decided it would be interesting to redo the first prix cup set of five tracks on Mario Kart SNES This Is Mario Circuit 1 should be mostly common for its apperance on Mario Kart DS for all you Mario Kart fans i hope you enjoy and feel more then free to make suggjestions to the track and or things i should try i enjoy a challenge! :] Now time for PICTURES! YAY! =D a picture of the track on the original game
yeah, add pipes, and also, make some scenery. you know, like the cow here, the cactus there, basically just any scenery from the mario kart games. it doesn't even matter if its a forest, you can still put a whale. you can still put a gorilla. just make it interesting. also, im not sure if you did this on purpose, but the middle of the track is raised up.
i was actually think bout putting more scenery but i want these maps to look as close to their origins as possible otherwise whats the point of calling it a remake if its a remake with ur own spin off.
/facepalm. It looks nothing close to the original. Its not smooth, or not even the same size. What you made right here IS A SPINOFF. If it were a remake, you would keep all the scenery. The pipes, the bricks, the sand, the grass patches, and even the finish line. And of course, you can cheat in it. It also looked like it took you somewhere around 30 minutes to make, making no effort. What I see right here is a spinoff, not a remake.
I agree, building it like this is a little pointless if you dont go really deep into the details of this actually really simple racetrack.
well i can see all your points but if you havent noticed thats a picture of the ds mario kart map there was no blocks no senery but wat i placed
Is this the only picture you've used as reference? Have you even played the map? Look up some more pictures and you'll see what everyone else is talking about. If I were you I would use more pictures than an overveiw when making a remake.
Eh...umm...err. That's better. First off, there were blocks. There were pipes, cows, and all other forms of aesthetics. I'm not trying to attack you personally, but this map looks like a boring gray loop with little effort put into it. If you think you can do better than this, do it. There's no point in posting a map that can have this level improvement done to it. Video of Mario Kart. With, you know, pipes and ****.
alright i do apologize everyone i didnt mean to upset anyone but i cant say i wouldnt be pissed about this if i was you all, im still very new to this forging so i dont know all the tricks of the trade but if someone out there could be nice enough to add me on xbox and show me some pointers i would be more then appericiative.
I’m actually sorry for being so hard about this. Might not be the warmest welcome to a new community. Well anyway there’s some room for improvement on this map and I believe there’s a lot of people that would like to help you with some tricks to use in while forging. One thing you can do before you post the actual map is to post it as a preview. Add me on xbl and I can try to help you some time. GT: DeStarfighter