ATV Dark side of the Halo

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by KickingWing, May 12, 2011.

  1. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    I have spent a lot of time refining the jumps and turns for the perfect mix between smooth track mixed with the natural ground, it has rock walls, gaps, tunnels, wall rides, huge jumps, off road and water driving. It is a really fun ATV course.

    please tell me what you think of it so i know what to make better on the next track, smaller jumps or something?

    20 different jumps and 40 different turns, and an awesome trick lift at the end, Best trick was a quadruple backflip 1080, BEST TIME: 6:54 the race is not to hard
    After the S curve














    #1 KickingWing, May 12, 2011
    Last edited: May 13, 2011
  2. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    you need the pics embedded or your post will be locked, here is how to embedd them
    I will download this map out of curiosity and tell u wat I think

    EDIT: the map is not very smooth, how bout i show you some examples of that, but it flows smoothly up into the rock parts, its also to long, i ran out of time before i could finish the map, that is not a point in the maps favor. its still a good debut, work on getting your pics embedded
    #2 newbieninja2, May 12, 2011
    Last edited: May 12, 2011
  3. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    yeah ninja he is sorta right i myself have raced it, and for the most part, it was smooth. although colton, two things: 1, restrain the insults, the moderators might count that as flaming, and 2, for the rock part, see if you can flip it around, because the part of the rock you are using takes much longer to climb up. if not, just try using some thing else, like flipped rock arches or something.
  4. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    Its supposed to be on that side, I wanted it to be an ATV course. Flipping them upside down to make them smooth would defeat the purpose of having a rock wall in the first place.
    #4 KickingWing, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2011
  5. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Ain't exactly smooth, but I love the jumps.
  6. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    KickingWing, maybe a little more respect and sincerity. Everyone is only trying to help for the good of your map. No map is perfect.
  7. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off i know your going to go mental but please dont im trying to help. I will say the terrain sections are good but thats about it, The first jump is very inconsistent I played it more then once and it hasnt worked once as I have never had a smooth landing(this is where you go this is because you suck at driving), some parts are smooth but very few. Transactions in the sky track areas arnt the best and the longer the track doesnt make it any more fun then a smaller track. Also I recommend a few more checkpoints to help you understand where you need to go instead of being quite far apart. If you want to see smooth tracks I recommend going and looking at the maps on halotracks and learn a few things from them.
  8. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sky tracks are easy to race on im not denying that I agree and your jumps dont reign supreme over anyones. Have you seen sx or mx tracks made by v ionised his jumps are the best there is easily. I said i like your terrain sections it was just your sky track building I did not like as it was not good, and the jumps arnt 100% landable. Theres no point you saying tell me what you think if your just going to get upset and start just having ago.
  9. smm2010

    smm2010 Ancient

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    KickingWing, you might want to calm down before a moderator gives you an infraction for flaming. What you are doing is giving a negative image on yourself and trying to bring down other members, which is only provoking arguments.
    These members are only trying to give you constructive criticism, not bash your map. They are providing feedback so you can use that feedback to make your future tracks better. Take the constructive criticism that you are receiving and use it to your advantage; it will definitely pay off in the end.

    Which crap maps are you referring to? You should not give negative criticism for a smooth map based on its easy difficulty. Those mapmakers are the ones that spend the most time on the quality of the racetrack to ensure that the map is fun to race on. I'm not saying that your track is not fun to race on; I'm saying that you should spend more time on the quality of the racetrack rather than the history or background behind it. As I stated above, take constructive criticism and use it to your advantage; it will pay off in the end.
  10. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    colton, there are many ways to make a race challenging, making it bumpy and long is just the quickest way. there are plenty of maps that are smooth and challenging at the same time. also if you don't stop insulting people you could get the wrath of a moderator.
  11. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    Yeah dude I was saying what you think about the map, I didnt ask what you disliked about it. Man wannabe critics over here
  12. underdog105

    underdog105 Forerunner

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    I'm the official Halotracks Head Tester. Would you like me to review your map and then you can see what it really gets?
  13. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    Yeah go for it, if have a preset idea that its supposed to be flat, its an All terrain track, moderately hard. Add Colton1945 so we can race it together nd u can give me a couple of ideas as to what should be changed. Check out my track Multi dimensional also
  14. underdog105

    underdog105 Forerunner

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    Here's my review:

    ATV Dark Side of Halo On Forge World by KickingWing

    First Impressions:
    Looking at the pictures, the map seems very sloppy, but has some promising routes.

    Minor Errors:
    -- Man
    -- The ending is terrible. Vehicle telleporters rarely work properly in competetive racing.y of the jumps within the track make you flip repeatedly. This drastically damages the flow and competetiveness of the track.
    -- The first turn is fairly hard to see because of the angle it is in.
    -- The bordering is very sloppy in the very few places that the track is bordered.
    -- The hillclimb/rockclimb is a terrible idea for competitive racing.
    -- At times the track is very difficult to follow.
    -- Some of the checkpoints start you out in reverse.
    -- Longer is not always better. Especially when the track is poorly designed and fails to deliver.
    -- Because of all the errors with map design, it took me longer than 10 minutes to finish one lap.

    Positive Feedback:
    -- The berms are nice.
    -- It's funny to laugh at it.

    -- Delete this map, and never look back.

    Final Thoughts:
    This is the worst track I have ever raced on. The jumps are incredibly inconsistent. Congratulations. This is the worst map I have raced on EVER.

    Difficulty: Hard
    Creativity: 2
    Flow: 1
    Rivalry: 1
    Overall: 1/10
  15. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    colton, at first i thought you were just a noob forger that was hiding the badness of his map by insulting anyone who criticizes you and hiding under the word challenge, but after seeing your other map multi-dimensional (witch is great by the way) its apparant that you realy think that bumpy, long and generaly bad equals chalenging. try making more maps like multi-dimensional or work on making better terrain maps, and stop flaming, you are not helping anyone, especialy yourself
  16. Alex the Plamf

    Alex the Plamf Forerunner

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    I played the map

    I would say multi dimentional is a huge improvement on this one

    I can tell you just wanted to make a map that covered the whole forge world with lots of jumps

    unfortunately you chose quantity over quality

    some parts are absolutely brilliant

    my favourite being the first mass of rocks you come to

    I enjoyed that so much

    and a few of the jumps and turns are really fun but I would have like to pick all the best bits out of that map in condense them into a fine paste

    good first effort though :3

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