The Flying Dutchman is pretty self explanatory, but for those Noobs in life who haven't heard of the ship before can read about it. Basically, the ship has three floors to smash windows and cause destruction on. The bottom floor contains the Red Team's spawn points while the very top floor holds the Blue Team's turf. If your highly obnoxious i suppose you could say that Blue Team spawns on the fourth floor...but who's counting? Anyways, while people are screaming and bodies are flying, feel free to take a little vacation atop the Crow's Nest. From there you can eat, sleep, play paintball, or do as you please. If you feel your life is in danger, try taking a swan dive straight for the one way shields below. Exits are directly at the front and the rear of the nest and we want to thank you for flying the Dutchman Airways. A simple description might add that the ship includes sails, three main floors (A fourth if your one of those people who have to be right all of the time), Kill Boundaries, a lack of weapons (For the Downloaders choice of hardware), and uh super awesome Steering wheel! Note: The Special Effect "Purple" was taken off for the screenshots. As gametypes go, I think i have it set to infection. While exploring the map, you might find yourself standing in shame wondering how you get to the Crow's Nest, don't hurt yourself. Chances are you go outside and start doing backflips of anger. Wait a little bit and the Man Cannons should spawn leading you right to your highly anticipated destination. Also, the pictures dont express every single part of the map, you just need to download it and see the good parts for yourself. Thanks guys. Stay golden... First Floor (Main Deck) Second Floor Third Floor (Bottom...he he) The Infamous "Fourth Floor" Once again the Overall ship
Very well built outside structure, but the inside seems like it could use more details to it. Overall pretty nice!
Nice map bro, you did a very good job on the ship, I like the amount of detail, to bad you ran out of money, because if you didn't the map would be even better. Keep up the good work.
I tried making a ship but you done it b4 i could, it is nice, though like someone said take a look on the inside and make 1 or 2 changes, but the outside looks great.