INVASION TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION this is the remake of the third level of the campaign of Halo: Combat Evolved. In particular, the hangar of the ship It works only on Invasion. Screens: First Capture Zone (Phase 1) Second Capture Zone (Phase 1) First Capture zone (Phase 2) Second Capture Zone (Phase 2) Bomb Spawn (Phase 3) Bomb Goal (Phase 3) PHASE 1 The spartans have to storm the hangar Spartan Loadout Scout: Sprint/AR/Magnum/2x Frags Sharpshooter: Sprint/DMR/---/1x Frag Elite Loadout Warrior: Evade/Plasma Repeater/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Sentry: Armor Lock/Plasma Rifle/---/2x Plasma Weapons 2x Needle Rifle 1x Shotgun PHASE 2 The spartans must unlock a door in order to proceed Spartan Loadout Guardian: Armor Lock/AR/Magnum/2x Frag Recon: Sprint/DMR/AR/2x Frag Spectre: Active Camo/AR/Magnum/2x Frag Elite Loadout Zealot: Evade/Needle Rifle/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Assassin: Active Camo/Needler/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Sentry: Armor Lock/Plasma Rifle/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Weapons 1x Rocket Laucher 1x Focus Rifle 1x Plasma Laucher 1x Custom Powerup(Turns one elite into a zealot with a 2x overshield) PHASE 3 The spartans have to place a bomb to destroy the ship Spartan Loadout Air Assault: Jetpack/AR/Magnum/2x Frag Sharpshooter: Sprint/DMR/Magnum/2x Frag Operator: Armor Lock/Shotgun/Magnum/2x Frag Granadier: Sprint/Granade Laucher/AR/2x Frag Infiltrator: Active Camo/DMR/AR/2x Frag Elite Loadout Royal Zealot: Evade/Needle Rifle/Plasma Rifle/2x Plasma Dark Assassin: Active Camo/Needler/Plasma Repeater/2x Plasma Gladiator: Evade/Energy Sword/Plasma Repeater/2x Plasma Ranger: Jetpack/Plasma Rifle/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma Sentry: Armor Lock/Plasma Repeater/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma P.Slayers can't drive vehicles, but can use turrets Gameplay Video : YouTube - Truth and Reconciliation I hope you will like it thanks
looks nice, but a LOT of stuff is missing. and i would like to see pictures of the tunnels and wait, is this off of memory? then this is really good if it is. But if you still have Halo CE like i do, i think you could of done better. but who am I to judge? maybe you ran out of money. ehhh shouldve used more Giant Wall pieces so you could make a better Spirit dropship Another Tip, for the last part, you could have the spartans have to take the core to the spirit AKA take Captatin keyes to the Dropship. just a tip. or you could have that as the second, and as the third you bomb the ship.
I post this map now, but is one of my first map on reach and i haven't looked at the level of campaign when i did it. And yes, i ran out of money when i did the spirit xD It is too easy for spartans have to take the core, because they simply can drop it down and score the point
oh, that's nice i will consider it P.S: I will add a gameplay video very soon [br][/br]Edited by merge: Gameplay Video : YouTube - Truth and Reconciliation