YouTube - Reclamation Episode One (Halo Reach Machinima) Hey everyone I am part of a new machinima company named Bee Town Productions. we already have one episode uploaded which is posted above. We are currently looking for more actors, both body and possibly voice who are serious about showing up when its filming time. All of the spartan roles have been taken but every story has room to grow so if you're a high enough level and you have a good working computer microphone then I'm sure we can easily find a way to get a new character into the mix. So please if you are interested leave a reply and I will definetly get back to you. Also male or female anyone is welcome.
Im interested im also currently working on a Machinima but willbe abletoshow up for all times that i might be needed im a colonel grade 2 and have a good computer mic let me know thanks josh1129