Made by: The Predator720 UNSC campaign report: LOADING... 1 HALCYON CLASS CRUISER: DESTROYED... CALL SIGN: PILLAR OF AUTUMN... FRIENDLY K.I.A: 13,754... FRIENDLY ESCAPEE'S: 3,586... TRACKING: GUNNERY SGT MACMILLAN... LOADING... FOUND... TUNING IN ON CHATTER IN 3... 2... 1... Gsgt. Macmillan: hold it leutenant! lt. Chavez: i am trying sir! the main brakes have failed we are on our own! Gsgt. Macmillan: hold on everybody its gonna be one hell of a ride... Lt. Chavez. impact in 5 seconds 3 seconds (screams)... LIFEBOAT STATUS: CRASHED FRIENDLY LOSSES: 4 Gsgt. Macmillan: sound off! Marine: sir Marine: sir Marine: sir Gsgt Macmillan: dammit only 3 everybody off! Move it! Marine: where are we? Marine: hell if I know all I know is that building over there looks like a good place to set up camp Gsgt Macmillan: good idea… LOADING… Marine: well this isn’t so bad Marine: were loosing signal on the satellite Gst Macmillan: what oh no that is our only…….. LOADING… SIGNAL: LOST "well then were on our own now for real". "all right people lets get some flares in this place and take a look around, we are going to be here a while". "well by the looks of this place it is about 4 stories up". "there are also 3 different ways to get up to the top. there are well the stairs (how much fun), the gravity lifts, and the what appears to be a teleporter. you know if it wasnt for the fact that we are all alone, have no idea where we are i would have to say that this would be a great place to hold training excersizes for those spartans i heard about". "oh well get unpacked and start a fire we are going to be here a while. "hey Gsgt. Macmillan your good at naming things. why dont we give this place a name". "OK then how about Tomba del Precursore which means forerunner tomb in in spanish". "ok that sounds cool" 3 days later... "Gsgt. Macmillan we got a signal! i am sending a distress message out right now". "wait we are getting a reply. yes they said they will be here in about 2 days or so". E.T.A.: IMMANENT... "hey here comes a pelican"... FRIENDLY K.I.A: EVERYONE ON BOARD REASON: LARGE EXPOSION FRIENDLYS STILL ALIVE: 1 MARK V SPARTAN ALONG WITH 1 CONSTRUCT. this map is great for team or FFA slayer but can be played on all other gametypes. this is one of my best maps and about 7 hours of work went into this map. this is the first teams base. this is the second teams base. this is the bridge in the centre that can have many stalemates, this is the second floor which is one of 2 of the same on both sides of the map. this is the base floor on it is 4 man cannons which lead to either an overshield or an active camo and also the forerunner's grave in the center. i would like to thank the following for helping me test: Green Gunner, Omg its kellen, proshot prodigy, frozen fury, Cobread, xRyGuyTerrifyx and Ultimate own please give me some advice for the future so i can make better maps download
wow the fictious sory was great.I actually enjoyed reading it lol.I'm dowloading because of that it was so good.
Hey, just a couple of things you should change, first of all, you need a link. Sometimes it's so obvious that people actually forget, but you need to post a link to the Bungie Post. Second, I can see you used imageshack to host. That's fine, but before you click "upload," uncheck the box saying Resize.
Awesome storyline. lol. Otherwise, the map looks okay, I'll have to take a closer look. But for now...
You deffinetly need bigger pictures, but Im not being mean but from the pictures it looks like it took 2 hours of work at most.
nice interlocking but it could use more, but the map looks nice. it looks alittle sloppy in one spot. but nce job, especailly on he backstory
honestly, its a good idea but the map just seems a little empty... i feel that you could do more (especially in the bases) to make them look better and cooler... right now it just seems like a good looking map that is basicaly empty... overall good concept though =]