Released like the same day. Like damn. Great minds? ON topic. I really love what you guys did with this. Definitely and improvement over sword base.
Had a fantastic time testing this yesterday. The layout is created in such a way that no one area feels overpowered. Even the higher tiers have downsides, such as low ceilings to deflect grenades off from lower tiers. The multiple pathways and entrances to areas also helped to keep you on your toes, but also to traverse the map with incredible ease. Put short, beats the hell out of Sword Base. Can't wait to see the final product.
thanks guys. I'm really happy with how this has turned out. One-Flag and Stockpile are a blast. I'm working on setting the map up for assault in an interesting and unique way.
Heh, remember when the oddball spawned on a point that wasn't an oddball spawn? Right after you said there was only one ball spawn? lol, I was confused for a minute.
I played this with you guys today. Flag was indeed a blast, the top-to-bottom design was a new wrinkle to me since I didn't play much of the beta. The map design is solid and just reminiscent enough of Sword Base without cloning from its DNA. Top level is still potent vs. guys in the open lower middle area, but just like Sword Base, that's kind of on you if you venture out there. (I did spawn there a couple times though, which I wish I had not..!) The only quibbles I had - one, the grav lift in the center seems a bit too hard to use. I know to an extent that's by design, but I'd love to have it closer to Sword Base where it's a bit easier to get to the various high ramps from it without having to precisely calculate your trajectory first. Two, maybe more meaningfully, I did find orientation a little difficult at times. You definitely went with a function-over-aesthetics approach, which is not to say it's ugly - the forging is clean as a whistle - but the various levels look somewhat the same and seem to be generally built from the same object set. I'd love to see more color integrated into it, maybe a light or two if it doesn't crush frame rate, and maybe a few aesthetic pieces in key locations just to help. (Having done a little forge consulting on Requiem Fiasco's massive, multilevel Suspension, I know what a challenge it can be to orient players in maps like this one!) No need to sacrifice gameplay or performance at all, but I think a few subtle changes would really help out noobs and old men like myself. Looking forward to another round on it!
I am super confused by the oddball spawn, how it manages to spawn on a random point perfectly within the map is beyond me, but I'll look at it in forge. As for the center lift, it's kind of annoying. It was a pain to set up (it's actually two grav-lifts angled outwards at 6 degrees from eachother). It works perfectly in local games, 100% of the time. It also works for me in online games 99% of the time. Unfortunately with lag and host brought nto the equation, it's dificult to get it adjusted so that it always works, especially since I can really only spare two grav-lifts to use there. Anyways, I'll keep working on it. I'm gonna work a bit more with color coding the rooms. We can't add lights due to framerate/budget restrictions, but colors will go a long way i think. The rooms actually do use some fairly different objects though. purple room is made entirely out of inclines and landing pads, orange has landing pad floors as well. I can see how all of red side could blend together a bit though. i think I'll make Yellow Room yellow again... Anyways, thanks for all the feedback, I'm glad everyone is enjoying the map.
I'm not sure you realize what off-topic is. I was just giving a short reply. There's nothing more to say about your map. Update it and I might say something different.
That's off-topic^, so is talking about maps that are not this one. Also, don't post if there's nothing to talk about, simple as that Duck, you gonna put a special gametype on this too, like 9-plots and 4-flag? How about.....3-ball? Or 4-bomb? or 3-way invasion(that'd be intense if it were possible)? or capture the golf ball? -wait, someone did that already....damn.
Prisoner was what inspired Sword Base. This map is inspired by Sword Base. I was completely on-topic and gave a short reply. No need to be a **** about it. I wish I could flame you guys like I do to everyone on the, but sadly the moderators here are active and enforce the rules.
I wasnt being a **** about it, I simply said that if you're talking about something else that isnt this, then its off-topic..... It's like saying, Reese's are delicious, but talking about a peanut butter jelly sandwhich is related to it because they both have peanut butter. BTW: You shouldn't be proud that you troll the internet.
Wow 4shot, I am amazed at how much of a dumbass you are. You prove it over and over again in every thread you post in. Talking about how Prisoner is better than sword Base has nothing to do with Scimitar. Pull your head out of your ass, and learn hopw to use the brain in it. I think I'll post some FFA screenshots next. I've mostly been working on getting the central lift to function consistantly. the map is now set up for all game modes, we just need to test them all and make changes.
For someone who can't even spell how correctly, you sure are confident that your map is somehow "original". I see the inspiration from Prisoner in this map. It's undeniable. It's funny how you're trying to argue when I have neither insulted you nor your map. Random butthurt much? I'm not proud that I troll the internet. I'm just pissed that there are certain parts of the internet that I can't troll without getting banned. TheorEDIT: Alright, this has gone on long enough. Start talking about the map in progress or I start handing out infractions. NibsEDIT: Yeah, listen to BT. Edit-fest ftw?
Alright. Let's get to it. I'm finally ready to test this for the first time. Everyone says it's so awesome and I want to see it. I'll probably be on at around 6-7-ish. Just invite me when I'm either playing Halo or MK9.
Ok when I said I'd post FFA screenshots, I meant it. In fact, I'm posting several hundred screenshots from a game of slayer, shown quickly one after another to form a video. Now how about them apples? YouTube - Halo Reach Scimitar Map Preview Edit: lol, 666 posts
Hey, that's me ^. I personally think we shoulda waited for one of my epic-awesome long clips, but whatever. You should update with pics of the new window thingy aswell.
Well, thanks! Anyway, yeah I'll do that on the next page or something. Today I messed around with spawns a bit as people seemed to spawn somewhere on red side 99% of the time before.
Psycho, you need to invite me to more custom games. You're on all the time, but I never get to play any of these maps I haven't even played on Scimitar yet.