Ok Men, we have to defend the Third Reich(blue team) from destroying out munitions dump across the bridge. They will have to get through a gate, control the area and bomb the Base we can not let that happen. Good luck, For the Britains!!!! With the assistance or idea from D3ATH EYE
Wow this is a lot different from the first one glad to see plenty of cover on the map now got to ask have you added more weapons to the map. Cause when i reviewed in the forging assembly you had a lack of weapons which needed to be sorted?
dont forget to put my name in the credits for the wall idea. if u dont know how to edit, there's a button in the bottom right corner of your post.
oh yeah i forgot about that sorry [br][/br]Edited by merge: i added more weapons to the map and vehicles and cover like you said
okay cool & thank you. by the way, on the bottom pic, the crates look shoved together. keep them on, but seperate them.you know, put them on diffrent parts of the base. that way it will look more natural, and make clearer sightlines in the middle, instead of on the sides.
i tried to post comments on the original map three times but the changes i tried to put out still arent made. I dont think there is enough structure on the sides of the bridge. honestly, all there is are those two cannons that are too big and a couple of buildings merged together. try making proper bases from blocks, platforms, inclines and such. it would make the map be much more interesting, engaging and professional-looking
well i tried to make them look like bases that were made to be quickly asembled and taken down but i will try to make it look more professional
and if it starts eating up budget which it shouldnt, concentrate most of your building on the defender's area
these base dont look quickly made, they just make it seem like you didnt bother to put in the effort to make good bases. This map definitaly needs more.....everything. and in the last picture, top left corner, that looks pretty bad. How does that even fit into this? its oddly sizes and shaped. im not seeing the WW2 here EDIT: make like a convoy of cars with swastikas on them for the German base, or something with the swastik to show that that is the germans EDIT 2: btw, you used WAYYYYYYYY to many sniper towers. in fact, i recommenv not using any. but this is just what i think.
well, firedrone, there is a lot of sniper towers, but none! seriously!?!? while you shouldnt have too many on a map, you need 1 or 2 at the least, maybe a max of like 5 or 6, otherwise its bland. =( anyway, crow, its fairly good advice, take out some of them, but do not take out all of them. otherwise, the complaints will go from only having long range to only having close range. also, i could help you out with some of your maps if you want. im on almost every afternoon from 3 pm ctz (central time zone) to 5 or 5:30 pm ctz. i know a fairly good amount about WWII. =)