A great new Invasion game type on a brand new map: Highlands. Bringing a new twist to a great game type, Invasion: Highlands brings all the highlights of Invasion with a special twist - a just as good game type, but made by a member of the Bungie Community. I hope you guys like it! 2-16 players---Competitive or Casual gameplay.
Okay personally I would have waited to release this after the release of the map. Anyway hope to see the map soon.
if this works out well then good for you, if not +10 MOA points for trying. ------------------------------------ MOA points, refundable for one Ostrich O Doom
If you have a problem finding the map on my page, just click my gamertag and go to my file share. Sorry for the inconvenience. And I gratefully accept your MOA points!
I know, but the first one I posted had an error on it, so I had to repost it. I don't know how to delete the other one. Do you know how - I'm kinda new to Forge Hub and don't quite know all of the tools... thanks.
Thank you, members of Forge Hub! Invasion: Highlands now has over 100 downloads! (114 actually!) It's great you guys like it! It's my first big accomplishment as a forger, so it's awesome you guys checked it out!