Hi wonderfull Forgehub community. If you are reading this hen well done, you are now +10 MOA points*. If you aren't reading this then how the hell can you tell what I am writing. Basically I was screwing around in forge and realised that all of my maps have one thing in common. They are balanced. So I am wiping the slate on all of my half finished crap and am making a new map. I want to base it on a combination of Construct, Uncaged, and Swordbase. I will be using the name Uphill for my map. Check it out. *MOA points, refundable for one Ostrich O Doom.
um.. forgetacular is over and i don't think bungie is accepting matchmaking maps from the community any more.
OK, well done, but remember that just posting your map on Forge Hub isn't going to be enough for it to get in to matchmaking. Even getting it featured on Forge Hub isn't enough. Bungie is accepting community maps for matchmaking, there is even a playlist dedicated to community creations. I think they've said that it unlikely that any community maps will have permanent homes in matchmaking, if players enjoy your map then it stays in matchmaking for another month, or until something better comes along. Anyway, I'm sure there are a lot of people building matchmaking maps, you've got a lot of competition. I joined Blueprint on Bungie.net (I think they're closing the group at 200 members, its at 159 now) which has a few members who will review the posted maps and then make recommendations to members of higher group who will then review it again. Having said that, don't go around spamming a poorly made map to every forum and every person you meet. Make sure its a good map to begin with.
Let it go through the process, (here, tg, maps forum) and get advice from as many people as you can along the way. After all that you can think about getting it into matchmaking.
Thanks for your comments, yes I am aware of the difficulties of getting a map into matchmaking, I've gone through the pain of seeing some of the most balanced and enjoyable maps get rejected (none of which were mine but I was a big fan of them) and replaced with sloppy garbage. I will continue to update the map here then send it to the TG. Once it has gone through several trials there it will be submitted to the review hub. If it recieves a bad mark I will analyse what went wrong and rebuild it. It will be magnificent. Finally when it has reached perfection I will use everything in my power to get the attention of bungie even if that involves physically going to Bungie studios. (I live in Australia so that could be challenging) I'll need your support for this map. It will be Forgehubs map, not mine. I will lay out the basic outlines. Where it goes from there depends entirely on the Hub community. Ostrich out.
Yeah for some reason bungie loves sloppy garbage. Hey thanks for posting this as it makes it easier as to what I will do for my map before posting it.
i realised how corny that sounded, oh and although it will be my map, I could see about having the map creator field be filled with the name Forghub. I am going through plans on paper now, if anyone has any suggestions for it please feel free to post them here. I meant what I said, this will be the communities map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: New Update, the paper plans are coming along smoothly, If I do a digital copy I will post them here. I had an awesome idea. I could have one largeish map, which can be cordoned off into sections to make smaller multiplayer maps, similar to Forgeworld only the large map can be played. Any ideas for reimaginings you want to see in any of the smaller sections. Oh and it officially has a new name, Upspin, because for anyone thats read Halo:The Flood, they refer to areas on the ring as X clicks Up/Downspin from their location.