C'Mongoose! Testers welcomed. Mini-games are great to bust out in the custom games lobby, but good mini-games are hard to come by, and newer concepts are even harder to find. After bouncing ideas around in my head about the armor lock, zero jump height, and narrow passageways I played Darth Human's Avalanche (now a featured map). I soon began work on a game where the mongoose was the ball, armor lock was your only defense, and you played in a hallway just wide enough to turn around in. The map since then has been revamped majorly three times, and the gametype tweaked continuously to compensate. Weapons on the map have been removed in favor of loadouts, of which there are three: Security, Power, and Ranger. Please excuse the words Power and Ranger so close together, it was unintended. =P Security is the best class to choose if your objective is to make the mongoose immobile. (good for defending when close to your goal area) They have 3 weapons at their disposal to impede the progress of the mongoose: a plasma pistol, a focus rifle, and their armor lock. While this sounds like a little too much, each weapon has a different use. The plasma pistol, as we all know, stops vehicles in their treads, but the focus rifle can be used at medium to long range to slow down the mongoose. Lastly, their armor lock enables them to stop vehicles when there is no time to charge the pistol. Power is an *experimental* class right now, and it is the only class capable of getting off the ground. The base character traits for this gametype is set at zero jump height, originally intended so that players could not go back into their goal area (now counteracted with a soft kill area). Best for obliterating the enemy team and moving the mongoose in the opposite direction (with or without a driver) Power is armed solely with a grenade launcher and has the ability to jet pack up into higher reaches of the map and rain hellfire down upon the players. Ranger is best used in combination with either of the two previous classes. Armed with Sprint and a magnum, their versatility and weaponry make them key players in this passageway. There are three main things this class can do. The first is the Sprint ability, which makes this class an excellent first choice for monopolizing the mongoose. Second, is that with the gametype's settings the way they are, a headshot with a magnum is fatal, making the Ranger a class to watch out for. The final thing this class can do is take out the grenades at the sides, which are also experimental for the time being. The point of the game is to get the mongoose into the opposing team's goal. With a shield door blocking the way, you'll need to have a driver in the mongoose to score. But where are the action shots? The latest version hasn't been tested yet, at least not with the amount of people I would like to see on this map (at least 3v3). If you like what you see and are interested in the gameplay or mini-games in general I will be testing this later tonight. Just add my gamertag: Packeranatic or message me on FH with thoughtful input and you will be credited as a tester. *By experimental it is subject to removal or change.*
I don't quite understand how the game works, you describe loadouts but not gameplay. Do you just drive the goose at the opposing goal through massive amounts of firepower and armor lockers? Little confused there.
In short, yes, the goal of the game is to score using the mongoose by driving it into the opponent's scoring area.
The map looks pretty good since I tested it, nice to see the plasma grenades being added, if you can I'd experiment and see if allowing the mongoose to be boarded while someone's driving affects the gameplay to much, sorry I didn't include that in the testers guild Post but a friend brought it to my attention when we played 3v3 on your earlier version after I posted the feedback.
QUOTE=HMSGOVIER;1388567]The map looks pretty good since I tested it, nice to see the plasma grenades being added, if you can I'd experiment and see if allowing the mongoose to be boarded while someone's driving affects the gameplay to much, sorry I didn't include that in the testers guild Post but a friend brought it to my attention when we played 3v3 on your earlier version after I posted the feedback.[/QUOTE] I set the character traits to driver only that may be the cause of why players can't hijack. But othe than that I took your advice and made a larger arena. Ill see how it pans out.
Played this the other day with somebody, although the arena was quite different (for one thing, much wider!). Here are my thoughts on it: the core game is fun and at first we were enjoying it immensely. Swiftly though we started to feel that the most fun aspect (driving the mongoose) was overwhelmed by the loadouts. In particular the constant EMPing from the plasma pistols made it hard for either team to progress in any direction, and once we realized the magnums allowed for a one-shot kill it kind of wrecked the fun, as people just went with magnums and it became a festival of rapid deaths and multikills. I think you have something here but I'd like to see it somehow changed to be more about the mongoose and less about the weaponry. How about an arena that is larger generally, and longer especially? That way you could make the loadouts and weapons less effective and force teams to work a little harder to stop the other team's onslaught. Think of the attacks in grifball as a model, perhaps - it takes some effort and a little coordination to take the ball from a good grifball squad; it could work similarly here. That would involve, in all likelihood, removing the plasma pistol entirely (grenade launcher is probably OK as it's harder to EMP accurately with it), and increasing damage resistance or shields so that the magnums don't give an insta-kill. You also have an uphill battle in finding the right balance for different team sizes. Current loadouts might be perfect for less players (say 2v2) but for what we played (I think it was 8 or maybe even 10 of us?), it was too frustrating trying to move the mongoose. I don't envy you trying to put together a game that would work for any number of participants. Maybe instead just aim to make it for a small range (e.g. 6-8 people) and leave it at that. Just some thoughts on it. I think once you sort out the particulars this could be a lot of fun.