Hogs from Heck 8-16 players To anyone who has ever played Splatter Monkey, or barrel blaster from Halo 3, this is them put together. The main objective is survive the hog devils from below, before they take your soul. YouTube - Halo Reach Forge Maps (THFE) - "Hogs from Heck" (Ep. 5) Humans spawn on top of a platform that is surrounded by a safe haven. The infected spawn on the outside platform circling the haven where they can hop into a warthog and then cause chaos by driving into one of the man cannons. You'll also notice teleporting rooms, these will only safely teleport vehicles back on the surrounding platform. Anyone who decided to go without a hog, they are damned to hell (they die). Humans can earn points by shooting zombies out of their driver seat by getting a head shot. Humans can also earn extra points for surviving a round and become the last man. The last man can pick up the plasma grenades and swords that hang on the inside of the middle platform. Last man also have extra weapon damage as well as extra shields. Warthogs can ricochet off of eachother and can cover the entire platform, so there is no "safe" spot. Yep, thats it. Pretty simple concept, but a lot of fun, or at least I hope you think so.
nice darth, you gave me another map to put in my tgif lobby. i was actually thinking just today about how someone could do barrel blaster in reach. i guess ill give this a dl.
Wow Darth Human makes another great game! Yes I repeat another one, its impossible. All I can say great job and keep it up. Your ideas are so unique that they come out amazing. Hope you can make some more great games!
Once again darth coming up with the best ideas for maps. I had a lot of fun testing this. Glad you released it so others can enjoy it to.
Awesome map dude were you inspired of that map from halo 3 (can't remember the name, bats or something ) awesome map and great concept
Showing more proof that you are the current mini game map pooper. Another excellent game I loved playin all the different version. It must be put into TGIF for sure. Very few games are fun as either zombies or human and here it's hard to choose.
Zombies eventually started to just land on platform to kill instead of using warthogs. A larger platform meant more spots to hide, and there were spots the warthogs could not reach. Which is another reason why many decided to just land instead of using a warthog.
Ah, so you finally got this posted, and the middle looks a lot nicer now too. The gameplay is really fun when we were just testing it with a full party, that was hectic. The way you have it so every time you get teleported into a different location is ingenious. The only spite I have with this is that if you're a Zombie, after you go into the man cannon, you don't really have anything to do unless you either die or get hit and have to readjust yourself.
Great map the only thing somewhat bad is the aesthetics or looks of the map, but I wouldn't really count that against you, because your playing this game for the fun action now if it was a slayer maybe, but it's not! 5/5 Fun, Simple, Easy, and just great ( just try to work on those looks ;D )!
Bad aesthetics? I thought it being in a covered arena surround by pillars was good enough. Either way, I did actually have this more "aesthetic" with unecassary blocks on the top and bottom. But with plenty wathogs flying around along with these extra decorations, the game lagged. I fixed this problem by removing these extra decorations and it became a very friendly 16 player game.
This is so damn fun. When I first saw this I thought that it'd be really easy for humans to survive, but I was wrong. My party had the best time out of all of the mini-games that we had played thus far. I really hope this gets featured, it's definitely the most fun game I've played in Reach. Astounding job.
Isn't this basically the EXACT same thing as "Bat Cave" or whatever on halo 3, but with warthogs instead of ghosts? Seems like it to me, but they are both fun to play!
There are billions of these game types ive seen, but this one is the best looking, love the swords and the roof. Great map. Give it a 9.3/10
Such an original yet simple concept. fantastic gametype and a brilliant video. I'd disagree that the asethetics were bad. Great minigame.
Surprise, Surprise, Darth has made another fantastic mini game! The game type runs perfectly, i haven't had any problems playing it with my friends!
I only played this once, but very hectic and very fun. Only thing slightly wrong was that there were a few spots humans couldn't be hit by hogs. But overall, super fun.