If you have ever played all of the Battle field 1942 expansion packets you would know this map. I based off of the map it is about a bridge or "Bridge to Britain" by the ****. The British(Blue) Defend From the Third Reich(red)(**** in case you don't know that). There are a lot of vehicles and a very dangerous crossing over the bridge. Hope you enjoy. Fight For Britain!!!!?!!! please download
ummm... i dont see how it resembles a garden or market. i suggest you rename it. also, you should make it for invasion, so that you can make it so they really have to "attack" britain.
The name is what Battle Field 1942 called it. I am currently working on the invasion version of it and will upload it in a week.
.... You're not serious, are you? Operation Market Garden was a large allied military attack, largest airborne attack of its time, during WW2, which included the capture of many bridges, most likely where the 1942 map came from. lol. ANYWAYS, so i assume this is currently a team slayer map? It doesnt look that bad, but there doesn't seem to be much cover, and invasion would seem more natural (im anxious to see what you do to this map with invasion, so i think i'll wait to test this out until you release that)
I've played on this map a number of times with ScareCrow813 and a couple of our friends and it is a very well built and well done map. I am looking forward to when he finishes the invasion version, and will most likely play that as well numerous times.
Hey this map is legit!! Could I possibly help with setting up the updated map for CTF, Stockpile or Invasion? Or I could playtest? I'm free on the weekends, send me a game invite!
As a History Major, I'm a bit offended, is our education system really this bad? Anyways, I love the idea to remake the old war battles and I think you have done a really good job here as well on the other old war maps you've done. I do agree that you should remake the map for invasion. This kind of map just screams for it. maybe spawn the invaders in the plane above with jetpacks and have them jetpack in for the first phase? Thaat would make things very accurate with the actual battle. If you plan on adding cover, maybe just use natural rocks? I think it would be more authentic. See you at The Assembly! Great job! -Atlas
oops ohhh... i see. they just haven't taught me that yet, im still in school. i thought that it was supposed to resemble a actual market or garden, and didnt see where that would come in. my bad. but yeah, if you want a good idea for the invasion version, here's one: make a wall on the bridge, and set the options so that that phase is assault. then, make a couple of watch towers near the wall at the end of the bridge, so that they basically have to bust down the gates to get in, although the defenders can still snipe them.
Thanks Atlas and i love making WW2 maps they are so fun. Thanks CosmicJosh yeah sure you can help test the map just send me a friend request. D3ATH EYE it is ok i should have been for specific about that. I ike your idea for the invasion version i will try it out or combine it with my version. Thanks ForgeFire yeah about the airplane i just built it in like 5 seconds so i didn't try to make that look good ScareCrow813
You sir, have earned my respect! (Brief History Lesson with possible flaws) Market Garden was actually an operation in Holland, not Britain, carried out by the UK and USA against occupying Germany. Large airborne offensive (nice attempt at a DC-3), I based my map Arnhem (also I believe the BF42 map is in Arnhem) upon this operation (Arnhem was the furthest forward the allies got before being pushed back, I believe) where the German Armour who were, I believe, holidaying in Holland unknown/ignored by Allied command attacked across Arnhem brigde which was held by the British 1st Para. The red devils. They held that bridge for days waiting for reinforcements (which were slow as they had to push through a lot of Holland and bridge rivers to get the armour across and issues with broken kit and poorly equipped troops), impressive considering it was a small infantry force against superior German armour!. Either way it's a tribute to the British armed forces! I believe it was in the same operation one of the American paras units (82nd?) made a plucky raid across a river in canoes to breach the German defences and keep the offensive from stalling. This being Arnhem: Further Reading, although I'd reccomend a book on the subject or WW2, wiki will do for now: Battle of Arnhem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Operation Market Garden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Anyway thats the very brief history lesson (and shameless advertising) over, lest I bore you. As to the map, the idea is excellent, if you could make it work for invasion that would be even better! However it is a good idea, with refinements it would be brilliant! I would take into account Atlas's ideas. In fact I had been planning to do something similar but paras will probably work better than what was in my own devious mind due to expenses! and yes Gentlemen, I'm British! *edit* Written while tired - really bad english, apologies!
thanks for the history lesson and for my sad attempt on a DC-3. I will have the invasion one up by thursday or friday