Machinima Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BallisticEagles, May 11, 2008.

  1. BallisticEagles

    BallisticEagles Ancient
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    Hello, I'm kind of new here at ForgeHub. I don't know if I posted in the right spot.

    But anyways, My Clan is in need of some Machinima Maps. So I came to forgehub in search of some maps. Is it possible that anyone can make the following maps-

    An abandoned sort of "Mercenary" base with a wall that can be rammed and broken by a Warthog. I found out that Concrete Barriers and pallets work well for that. Also, if there is anyway possible to add a "Jail" or prison hold, please add it. (Maybe on High Ground)

    A UNSCDF Spec-Ops base where heavy fighting will go on. Plenty of weapons including an armory, a main TOC (Tactical Operations Center), and maybe a garage. (Maybe on Rat's Nest, The Pit, or High Ground)

    An abandoned Military base where a crew of four go searching for survivors but end up fighting the enemy. Please make the scenery sort of destroyed and equipment scattered. Add a Warthog and a Scorpion. (Preferably on Rat's Nest or Ghost Town)

    Also on Sandtrap, there is a downed dropship. I would like some equipment and weapons decorating it like it were crashed. Then, if possible, I would like a feature where from above in the sky, the map would look kike it was bombarded. A chain of Fusion Coils followed by some mongooses and a power core works best for a chain reaction. But please, the explosion must be triggered manually, so no falling fusion coils.

    Sorry if this is too much to ask. I just mainly need the first three maps listes. Thanks.
  2. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Cant help you there buddy , my xbox go bye bye :( (red ring of death)
  3. sugaballa99

    sugaballa99 Ancient
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    You'll have better luck find each individual map with what you want.

    For the wall that can be broken down? I made one on rats nest, look in my file share.

    Gamertag: sugaballa99
    Name: The Wall

    it isn't really a map, just for fun
  4. Halfspeed

    Halfspeed Ancient
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    for an abandoned military base you can ask shihuru for shihuruville p2. it would be perfect
    #4 Halfspeed, May 12, 2008
    Last edited: May 12, 2008

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