Remake Hallucination

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by II6clique jxIxj, May 7, 2011.

  1. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    [SIZE=+3]H [/SIZE][SIZE=+3]a l l u c i n a t i o n[/SIZE]


    A long time ago, when Reach first came out, I saw a remake of Lockout. In the comment section Rusty Eagle said, "When you remake a map, if you want to make it as accurate as possible you should make all the weapon timers and spawn placements the same." Another comment by Rorak Kurudo said, "I agree with Rusty, plus if you want to make your remake stand out from the crowd you should add a unique element to your map."

    These two comments are what inspired me to create Hallucination. Hallucination is the Narrows built upside down. In order to completely flip the layout, but keep the proportions the same without getting confused, I had to build the entire map upright then rebuild the entire map again upside down. This task took me a little over fourty hours.

    I had to go back and forth between Halo 3 and Reach many times in order to keep the proportions the same and mimic the gun placements, gun spawn times, and respawn placements. It truly was a tedious task, but I loved every moment of it. The reason why I put off forging it for so long was due to my mind already being over saturated with map ideas and I can't forge them all at once.

    So I first forged Unethical, then Hallucination; and I still have many more maps on the way in the near future.

    The dynamic of my map that I am most proud of is the man cannons. Normal man cannons are not strong enough to launch a Spartan to the other side, but if you stick in a man cannon heavy, the results are fatal. So most forgers make their Narrows remakes smaller than the original and not to scale in order to make the cannons work. My map is to scale and the way I handled the cannons is I place them just the right distance apart so that when you are landing you barely skid the air waves of the opposing cannon. This allows your Spartan to slow down enought that he receives little to no damage, the damage varies each time, but is never more than a sliver of your shield.

    Here are some pictures and a weapon list. Hopefully I can get a video made for it soon.


    Plasma Pistol: x2
    DMR: x4
    Pistol: x2
    Plasma Repeater: x2
    Rocket Launcher: x1
    Shotgun: x2
    Sniper: x2
    Needler: x2
    Needle Rifle: x2
    Plasma Grenades: x8​








    I hope you like it. I put a lot of hard work into it and any feed back would be great.​
    #1 II6clique jxIxj, May 7, 2011
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
  2. Lolmeister

    Lolmeister Forerunner

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    That is a very clever idea . Quite amazing how you did it upside down lol. This map definately has it's own element
  3. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    This is umm... quiet interesting. Have not seen a concept much like this before. Pretty creative of you to turn an entire map UPSIDE DOWN. Really, how did you pull this off? Did just reverse design (if that's a real word) the whole thing? Can't wait to play a game on this, my friends are sure to freak out.
  4. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    cool, although some of it looks too small, like the top bridge.(or in narrows, the bottom rocket bridge.)
  5. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    I flew through this on forge earlier, and it was quiet interesting, and seems like it would be pretty good to get a game in on. I like your overall concept here its quiet an interesting take im not use to seeing on maps. Of course i couldn't help but test out your man cannons with lots of back and forth flights, I would say it was about 60% or maybe 2/3 of the time i didn't take any damage from them, just a rough estimate. One thing I did notice that you might want to check out is the rocket launcher spawned with 2 spare clips. In your 2nd to last picture the ramp there, i just wanted to climb it so bad, but i wouldn't let me... I hope i'll get a game on this soon, if so i'll come give you some more proper feedback.
  6. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    Yes, I originally built the entire map upright, just to get the proportions and budget figured out, then i destroyed it and built it upside. Thanks, positive feed back is always encouraging.

    Did you actually step foot on it or are you simply speculating? I assure you, the proportions are right.

    Thanks, and the Rocket Launcher only has one clip. It says to spare shots, so once you pull the trigger twice and reload the number goes from two to zero, hope I helped clear that up; and those ramps in the second to last picture are for aesthetic purpose only. Your not suppose to be able to climb up it.

    Thanks for all the feedback guys.
  7. darnell

    darnell Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Amazing idea .. im gna have to download to fully get the concept cause i keep pictureing the mancannons being upside down

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