i like it but the version from De Behr is the best. XD I Think the map has a lot of protential. well done dude.
Apologies, I didn't see the "before/after" text above the pictures. I usually use a different color for text above pictures to help it stand out. It's easy for the gray text to get lost in the grayness of FW geometry. A version number is a particular iteration of a map. I thought the "Before" pictures were of an earlier version (which they kind of are- just not an earlier version of your own map) and you'd forgotten to replace them with the new ones. I stand corrected, your pictures are fine. And yes, your brilliant deduction of what I meant by "re-imagine" is spot on, Sherlock. Taking someone's map and making it look better isn't impressive. The fact that it took you longer doesn't mean it was more difficult or challenging. Your mention of dt192 helping your with a re-fit of his map also means nothing. I'd let someone help me change pieces around to make my map look better too. However, all that should happen is that the map is updated with new pictures, along with credit given to you, and a bump. You did not make the map, so you should not get to post a map that's already been released with geometry updates. And as for you being the only person going around "re-fitting" maps, I'm glad. We don't need more people doing this and having an excuse to make a new post. If you want to do a remake and post it, start from scratch like everyone else.
Nice remake, looks like some effort was put into this for sure. The only thing I might add is to add the FX "Purple" and "Juicy" to give it the darker feel that Guardian had.
Thanks rather. That would give it the darker look and we tried it, but the budget was stretched pretty thin as it was to get it the way we really wanted it. The dark look would have been nice I guess but it hasn't make any difference to us when playing it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Frozen, I'll tell ya what means nothing... your whining comments and all the should's and shouldn't in your personal philosophy about making maps. I suggest you add "to me" to your comments so you don't sound like some all knowing authority (3 maps) and to clarify that you're not speaking for the whole forging community. What does have meaning to me is what the group I play with thinks of this map and the people who have actually DLed and played it.
Haha, it's a remake remake. yeah i could tell what it was without even reading the name. nice job. this has to be my fav halo 3 map. exept foundry map rating: 9.3/10
Thanks Security. Yeah, Re-Fit seemed to work for what it is. This map has created a lot of controversy it seems but mostly from people who never bothered to DL it and actually take a look. The people who have, have discovered it's plays good and have been very complimentary about it.
I Love this map , but these people do have a point, some of these scaling and re fits could of been done really easily, but it works.
Hay man, glad to see you updated this map. I don't understand why people would be bringing 4 screen lag, trying to find fault in an almost flauless remake of guardian. when are more classic map tourneys going on? Would be great to have some 4 v 4 ,slayer and bring back some halo 3 memories lol
Tim, It is almost 6 months I to see you. Thanks, for making near perfect on guardian. I saw the best looking of guardian map and maked it better, even 95% changed on the remake, it still was best first. All the reach best players and forgers took said, "thank you". I no thinking about others what they say, anyway, they're not best reach players and forgers. 4 x 4 slayer tourney and we team you and I, with any whatever 2 players, we think will play perfect at guardian. Rock
Wow, this map is really amazing! It reminds me exactly of the old Guardian! Nice work! This sure does bring back a lot of memories!
I do not understand how one builds a large mite that's really not a guardian sorry if I must say that
Let it die people, just let it die... Guardian wasn't as near a good of a map as we all make it out to be, and the design flat out sucks for Halo Reach. Maybe with no-bloom; no-sprint settings it'd be decent, but I'm not too sure. As far as the forging goes: Frame rate! Yes, I said it. Frame rate. Please fix it... Or better yet, forge your own map. This whole "re-fit" concept is b/s.
Nice! I like it! Finally a good remake of it. Didn't notice any frame rate issues. Any plans for other remakes?