I guess a lot of times when I stumble on someone getting assassinated, it can be hard to tell what is going on exactly. Who exactly is getting assassinated? If I have a shotgun, I'll just aim for the enemy colors and see what happens. This happens in swat a lot too. It's very tough not to yoink in swat because of how fast the gameplay is. But I don't yoink if I can help it.
Eh, it is annoying, but it's far from the most annoying thing you'll experience playing Halo Reach. **** happens, I suppose.
I only Yoink people if it's in MLG. It helps speed up the game and most of the time people don't even want to do the animation.
If it was totally obvious I was assassinating someone, and it takes you a few attempts to steal it, then look out, because I'm gonna betray your ass!
I do it to my friends as a joke, but that's the only time unless it was clearly my kill. I feel bad if I threw a frag at the guy like milliseconds before my teammate kills him and I then apologize profusely.
I do it all the time, but just because I love to hear the announcer say "Yoink!". The announcer (or whatever you call that guy) of Halo just has a badass voice ^_^
The man you are referring to is Jeff Steitzer, and yes, he is a king amongst men. Check out this vid: YouTube - The voice of Halo (Jeff Steitzer)‏
Sure, yoinking is hilarious, and the rage people often make me laugh harder, its not very ethical to yoink. However, that doesnt mean that you cant do it. You can easily yoink a person whos ks-ing or yoink from someone whos been a betrayer. Or you could do it just to get that one last kill.
First, I must say I love your sig. ; ) Second, Yoinking can be funny, but I tend not to do it. I mostly play SWAT, so its way too easy to get a Yoink on a teammate. If I see someone assassinating I wont Yoink, because they got their first. Unless its a friend, and I want to be an asshole. Once, I was going for a headshot on some noob, and a teammate came up and assassinated him when I was already shooting the other dude, and I accidentally betrayed my teammate. Got an Avenger, but was apologizing profusely to my TM. He was cool and good humoured about it, constantly quipping on going crap in the games to follow because he though he heard me whispering I was going to kill again over his shoulder. And, typically, the only reason I do the assassinate animation is to humiliate a person who Id been ghosting for a while, or who just killed me and I wanted revenge, or if Id managed to sneak up on some asshole who'd been camping the entire match and I just wanted to rub it in that Id ninja'd him. Then I proceed to teabag the piss out of him whilst saying hilarious things over the headset, like "eat my awesomeness in your face" and "taste my sweaty, bulbous testicles". Its also fun to whisper things in peoples ears when youre assassinating them too.
Honestly, if you are wanting to hear something that sounds cool, get a show stopper! Other than that, I hate the yoink medal! Thank you bungie for awarding a d-bag! I just came out of a game where I was yoinked three separate times by the same individual, so, you can imagine I am heated on this subject right now! Is it ethical? I don't believe so. I get very few assassinations therefore, when I do get a chance to increase my commendation progress I want that kill! Does it happen sometimes? Sure. And if it is an accident or someone was already killing the guy then I do not get upset! But if there is no one around and ninja the guy, and my teammate just starts peppering him! That upsets me to no end!
I view it on the same level as team shooting and I highly disregard any form of "kill stealing". If everyone is worried about their kills being stolen then their team is not going to win. Assassinating is a choice and the player chose to hotdog. When I see the opportunity I take it... let me speed that up for you... just like any form of team shooting. And I expect the same from my teammates. Yes there is grief as in any halo match and it is very annoying. Like a teammate nading you to get the yoink leaving you one shot for you die seconds later. That's just plain douche nozzlelery.
I see what your trying to say the point of the game is to win not get a high K/D or look cool and I agree with that point but have you ever heard of team moral? Do what you can to win but if your coming off as a jerk to your team that doesn't help you win. In serious high tense situations in MM I will yoink to get the animation done because that's not helping us win but not very often that happens and if they are assassinating in middle of gun fight it probably wasn't on purpose and expecting to be yoinked. Any other case they got a assassin they deserve there cool badge and animation and moral boost. But been yoinked only reason it pisses me off because I don't even get a assist and most of the time I don't want to even do the animation.
I love it honestly and i love it even more when you do it accidently or w/e and a friend removes you cause there too much of a dbag to get over a freaking medal. IMO its the same as an assist. the only difference is the person who stole the kill gets the medal not you.
This thread is so silly. Don't want to get yoinked? Don't do the freaking animation. If you care so much about the animation you deserve to be yoinked.
yoinking is fine, just see it as the same as when you help someone take down an enemy by shooting at them as well. It helps you win, is quite fun and it's not as if someone can't do it to you.