Forerunner City

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Why hello, I didn't see you standing there.

    This is one of the five projects I have going at the moment: a rather blandly titled big team battle map meant to create a large-scale urban environment for mostly mid- and long-range fighting with DMRs and snipers, and some vehicular combat as well. This is a tie-in with my minigame Grand Theft Mongoose, using the same basic city map that is only the first section of the minigame. In Forerunner City, the city has been isolated and a number of details have been added or changed to make it suitable for traditional big team gametypes. I'm looking to do a test on this (and Grand Theft Mongoose also) this weekend - go here if interested.

    The current weapon set is 1 neutral rocket launcher; 2 each team-specific snipers, swords, and plasma launchers. There's also a turret near each base. Vehicles: 2 each team-specific warthogs and mongooses; 1 neutral ghost and 1 neutral revenant. Depending how playtests go this may change of course.

    The map is configured for almost every gametype. Multi-flag, race, and snipers should be especially entertaining.

    Screenshots. Please note, the focus of this map is not to create aesthetically stunning structures like some other city maps I've seen, but more to give the largest and most complex cityscape I felt I could build, with good street-level gameplay (and a little in and on top of the buildings as well).




    Overhead view of the map (mouseover to see key locations):
    #1 Nutduster, Apr 27, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    I remember playing this with you a while back. It looks really cool, and plays rather well.
    I love the man-cannons hidden in the drains.
    During invasion, I feel like spartans and elites spawn too close together, though.
    #2 broccollipie, May 8, 2011
    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  3. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I just realized that for GTM you could have just used the haloball gametype and set the mongoose as the thing that needs capturing but whatever. In BTB, the weapons really need to be worked on. The team at the lower end get way more power weapons and can just dominate the map. I would also suggest making the rocket building less camp-friendly and putting more cover on the streets.
  4. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    Blues have high ground. With turrets it makes it easy for Blues. Plus Blue sniper is insanly close to rockets compared to red. Plus red snipers are too far away from main base.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    This is released now - link. Addressing some comments here:

    Lots to cover here. Rockets are no longer a neutral weapon - there's a 2 shot rocket launcher at each base now instead, intended to make the central tower less dominant. The two rockets replace the swords, and a neutral shotgun replaces the old rockets. As for the high ground thing - it is what it is. I personally don't feel it makes a whole lot of difference because the grade of elevation is slight and the area around each base is completely flat. I don't think there's nearly as much inequity here as between red and blue teams in Halo 3's High Ground, for instance. Red sniper is not as far from their base as it looks - red's initial spawns are actually in front of their objective (on the street corner directly behind the warthog), so the physical distance from there to their sniper is about the same as it is for blue.

    I actually started GTM using the mongoose as the objective, but switched off of that once I realized in play tests that it was far too easy for the other team to just steal the objective and ruin the round completely. There was no good way to make it work - speed flag ended up being a far superior choice. Regarding power weapons they should be even here - each team has a sniper and 2-shot rockets, and there's a neutral shotgun and plasma launcher. Both teams have a turret and warthog as well. I agree about the rocket building (that's why rockets were removed from there, and why I encourage jet packs as a loadout in any gametype on this map). More cover has been added to the streets since this thread, including two key "bus stops" (one in red base and one in a neutral location) and a back-alley means of getting in and out of red base.

    Agreed, I believe that should be fixed now.

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