Remake O. B. Laden's Compound

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Larry Tanng, May 8, 2011.

  1. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    O. B. Laden's Compound

    This map is a replica of the compound that housed the most wanted man in the world. Set up for Slayer, Bro Slayer, KOTH, Headhunter, Oddball, Juggernaut, and Infection.

    I studied hundreds of pictures and videos from the media to make this map as close to the original compound as possible with what I had to work with. The insides of the buildings are inaccurate and had to be made up, because of the lack of details from the currently available photos and videos floating around the web. Hopefully the floor plans will surface at some point in the future. Lol.. you know this compound's going to end up in a future COD game, right?

    I need feedback on the weapon locations, game types, and anything else, so I can perfect it in version 2.

    Weapons List:
    You're just going to have to download it and play it to find out, lol..

    Note: It only frame rate glitches when looking at it in Forge. It plays pretty smooth in custom games though.

    Also, Check out my FILE SHARE for many, many, many more of my maps!



    I included the crashed helicopter.



    #1 Larry Tanng, May 8, 2011
    Last edited: May 10, 2011
  2. x SDIVI x

    x SDIVI x Forerunner

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    Looks pretty cool, perhaps make it an insvasion map where you assult the buildings as SEALS?
  3. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    Good ideas. I thought the map was a little small for invasion, but what the hell, I should do it anyways. I should probably play more Black Ops for some inspiration too, since I haven't touched it since the second week it was out, lol..
  4. Forgefire

    Forgefire Forerunner

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    Great job, Recommended to make it a invasion map, and make choppers with ammo in it. Great job though.
  5. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Not sure. Like stated before it seems a bit small for an invasion map.
  6. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    How do I put ammo in the hornets? I didn't think I could do that in Forge World.
    Also, I'm collecting videos of this map being played on, to study for a the next version. If you have a video, please put it in your file share and tag it "compound" and I'll find it, or message me the link. Thanks.
  7. Apprentice

    Apprentice Ancient
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    You Won't believe this, but Me and some friends were looking for an OBL Map for AP U S Histroy. We are going to show our teach, by Halo, how we got him, and your map is quite similar. The only things I can add are that your wall dimensions are abit off, meaning its the wrong shape. Yours is more pointy and squished together, which may just be a result of the forging limits. also there are some interior floor plans, that we found after some digging:

    This are before the third floor was put it. Hopes some of this helps, and thanks for the map, its beastly.
  8. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Actually it "isn't too large" for one.

    Phase 1 could be to fly in over Pakistani air space and take control of the court yard.

    Phase 2, invade the house.

    Phase 3, bring Osama out and gun him down...

    (okay, bring in the bomb and blow up the house instead...)

    Honestly, if you don't make an invasion map out of it, I would like to. You can post it if you like, or I can.
  9. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    I played this a while ago, I didn't know it was on Forge Hub.
    Well done, this is pretty accurate!

    What about infection... Last Man Standing...
  10. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    So for invasion, this is what you can setup. Invaders are Navy Seals.

    Phase 1: Fly the falcons from a base somewhere else to the court yard and take over the court yard (territory).

    Phase 2: capture the house (territory).

    Phase 3: A player on the other team puts on an armor ability that is also the phase 3 territory objective and becomes OBL. OBL runs to avoid being killed. As soon as he is killed, the dead body becomes the territory, unless the AA respawns. The invaders must sit on OBL's dead body to capture the territory and win.

    If the opposing team does not take the AA, then OBL is not in the building (upper floor is a good place to place the AA). Then by capturing the territory, the Seals capture critical intel. But this is much easier, so there is incentive for someone to become OBL.

    I am trying to figure out a way to make OBL a suicide bomber, but there doesn't seem a way in invasion games for this map.

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