Steel Garden

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Bronson 117, Apr 25, 2011.

  1. Bronson 117

    Bronson 117 Forerunner

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    Steel Garden

    Hey everyone, thanks for taking a look at my map. I've been working on Steel Garden for a while now and I'm really proud of the way it turned out. It plays great with 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and even 4v4 gametypes along with FFA, though 8 players is pushing it. It definitely plays better with fewer people because it is a fairly small map. I made sure that it plays smoothly and I believe the weapon layout is balanced but I definitely made sure that it looked as good as it played. The bases look great and each have windows that either look at the waterfall or the Pinnacle Pillar. I used the "window coliseum" combined with the "wall coliseum" for a unique looking floor that I really like. But anyway, I hope you guys have as much fun with this map as I've had. Enjoy.


    YouTube - Bronson Forge - Steel Garden

    1 x Rocket Launcher (0 spare clips, spawn time 3 min)
    1 x Shotgun (0 spare clips, spawn time 3 min)
    2 x Needler
    2 x DMR
    2 x Plasma Pistol
    2 x Plasma Repeater
    8 x Plasma Grenades
    4 x Health Packs





    Grav Lift


    Sneaky Tunnel



    Middle Balcony


    Base Upper Level

    Base Lower Level (Pretty Window)

    The Garden








    Thanks Again. Please Download... it would make me happy.
    #1 Bronson 117, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011
  2. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    Looks really nice, actually. The only thing that irks me is the lack of cover on the two bridges across the center. I can't be sure without looking around the map myself, but I feel like a few pieces would be be great for general sight lines and the people using the bridges themselves.
  3. mati1501

    mati1501 Forerunner

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    Hmm, I'd like to see more paths on this map. But overall, I love the aesthetic touch to the map.
  4. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great map you got there! In my opinion it's perfect! great symmetry and awesome aesthetics! Keep up the great work and i really hope to see more of you in the future :D
  5. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
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    This map is awesome, I like how you can fight above and below the ground, the courtyard with the rocket launcher is great. This map has nice cover and bridge design. I will give this a download.
  6. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Same here, absolutely love the design of the map and the paths :)
    from the pictures and the look, it definitely seems like a good FFA map^^
    will download and test it some day with my friends ;)

    or I'm takin' a look at it later in forge on my own, just to get the map structure :)
    I'll post again...
  7. Bronson 117

    Bronson 117 Forerunner

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    Thanks everyone for the support. I'm glad to see that you're enjoying it and I am thankful for the tips. If anybody has more advice please leave a comment as I am always trying to improve my forging techniques. As for the bridges mentioned by ChronoTempest not having cover, I was contemplating putting some sort of cover on the bridge but it added a risk to getting the needler and so i left them simple and coverless. Like I said though, your advice is greatly appreciated.
  8. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know what you mean with risk, but you could add a really small cover only right in front of the needler in the middle, not really big, just to crouch behind.
    But I'm not sure about it, the thing with the risk is right xD
    I would say, play a bit on the map and look how hard it is to grab the needler without being shot all over the bridge...and THEN decide :D
  9. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    To be honest, the needler isn't picked up all that much as it is, so I don't think any risk is necessary.
  10. REK LES 1

    REK LES 1 Forerunner

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    Good job on this map! I liked the straight forward design and layout and the environment was believable (except for the tower-into-the-cliffside thing... distracting). I would like to see changes to the bridges also... how about a bridge from the platform where the plasma repeater spawns to a platform (with some cover) directly over the "sneaky tunnel"... maybe create a subway-like entrance to the underground where the tunnel makes a full loop, or even better... mimics the garden above, that would be awesome! Also, I think you should open up the doors on the sides of the lift rooms and delete the coliseum walls between the pillars, that would create more gameplay options on the lower level and feel more like a garden plaza. I hope you consider my suggestions, and overall a very good map.
  11. Siegeforth

    Siegeforth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Still looks as clean as when I last saw it and has some really cool features, like the lower levels of the base and the tunnel. I enjoy the simple yet smooth design layout, I think it lends itself to better game play. REK LES 1 has some interesting ideas, but overall the map plays great. I'm looking forward to see what you do next so keep up the good work.
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is probably one of the better courtyard maps I've seen. First of all, I don't usually like it when people use tin cups and rocks together like you did, but you've managed to make it look different and more aesthetically pleasing. So, props on that. Also I like that you added some colors to this map to try to cut out all of that ugly gray that bungie decided to screw us over with ;) Some areas that have already been mentioned look open, but nothing serious. I can tell a lot of creativity and time went into making this. Good work man.
  13. Bronson 117

    Bronson 117 Forerunner

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    Again thanks for the advice. I think that a lot of REK LES 1's ideas are great. I'm a little low on the objects budget, but I could probably implement a few of everyone's suggestions in a v2 if i can ever get around to it. Thanks again, I'm glad some of you like it.
  14. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    Alright i downloaded this, my buddies and me played the living hell outta this map lol

    steel garden is a great looking map and plays good, you don't have to changed the look of the map. might i sagest a few things about it... well really only one thing. the middle of the map gets ignored all together. I would suggest putting up cover on those middle open bridges and all for the button adding some columns under the bridges (to look like support but are really just for cover) other then that we had a blast on your map... keep up the great work...
  15. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    glass windows + rock garden FTW
  16. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks like it is big enough to support at least 6v6, and maybe 8v8. It has great aesthetics and layout, I think. I would like to feature this map in an article I will writing soon, unless you object...

    I noticed you had two respawn zones, one for blue and one for red. They are both assigned to team only, which is great for bomb and flag games, but for team slayer I don't think you really want to force limiting the area a player can spawn, but let them spawn on either end of the map to reduce any possibility of spawn killing/traps. On a map this size, I doubt it is an issue, but just wanted to point that out. I am keeping this map, but I may fix that one point on my copy.
    #16 MrGreenWithAGun, May 28, 2011
    Last edited: May 28, 2011

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