The True Final Boss

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Zow Jr, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Zow Jr, xSoGx Grim, TheHatofWin

    Map Name:
    The True Final Boss

    Map Canvas:
    Forge World

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    The FInal Showdown



    The Final Showdown

    This is it. The Champions are united to face their king, corrupt by power, fueled by the Dark Spirit, and save their world from an eternal sadness.

    These are our champions.



    Specialty: CQB

    Weapons: Shotgun, Assault rifle

    Armor Ability: Evade

    2 Frag grenades

    A survivalist who has braved many wars. None have ever seen him in battle, and lived to tell a disgraceful tale of cowardice.



    Specialty: Medium-long range

    Weapons: DMR, Plasma Rifle

    Armor Ability: Sprint

    No grenades

    An expert marksman with his crossbow, this man has seen more wars than he's taken part in. He keeps himself ready, aware, and helmeted.



    Specialty: Stealth

    Weapons: Energy Sword, Magnum

    Armor Ability: Active Camo

    1 Plasma Grenade

    Now you see him, now you don't. This ninja has trained almost over-strenuously in the arts of ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, Judo, Tai kwon doh, Kung Fu......etc. etc.



    Specialty: Rush Combat

    Weapons: Gravity Hammer

    Armor Ability: None

    No grenades

    This warrior is doggone angry! Fueled by rage, he makes slow, but powerful strikes that have been rumored to level buildings and decimate everything in a 1/2 mile radius.



    Specialty: Support, minor demolitions

    Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Concussion Rifle

    Armor Ability: Hologram

    2 of each grenade

    White Magic, Black Magic, Necromancy, Witchcraft, you name it, he probably invented it. This old wizard specializes in magic in all sorts and is extremely wise. He has never dabbled in Mysticism or divination though. odd.

    And these are the Demon minions of the Dark Spirit, using Damian's own body as a vessel.

    Here are the dreaded beasts weapons, look if you must...

    Demons first phase:

    1: Grenade Launcher, Spiker

    2: Plasma Repeater, Magnum

    Demons phase 2:

    1: Grenade Launcher, Spiker

    2: DMR, PR

    Demons Phase 3:

    1: Sniper Rifle, Plasma Pistol

    2: Shotgun, Grenade Launcher

    These five champions must fight one who was our king.


    Damian. He used to be such a benevolent monarch. But his soul was corrupted by the temptation of an eternal reality by the Dark spirit. Now, destruction is all that resulted. Now our five champions must fight him in order to save our kingdom from the Infinite sadness brought upon by the dark spirit. I'm sure he would have wanted it too.


    Phase 1: Our Champions must enter the Star Generator and take the star Bomb and plant it in his armor, to blow into his core.







    Phase 2: His armor has been blown off, Damian is weakened. Our Champions must steal the power gem powering the Dark Spirit, which will make it's power near null and void.






    Phase 3: The Dark Spirit is at it's weakest, they must do the one thing they will regret the most. They will need to grab the Star Bomb and plant it in the crown jewel where that Dark Spirit resides. Unfortunately, the Dark Spirit won't be the only thing gone. No matter. It must be done!





    Damian. He will always be the best damned ruler there ever was. And always my best friend. DO it champions. For his sake, and my own.


    Don't forget to Dl the Map and gametype!

    #1 Zow Jr, Jan 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011
  2. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    this looks fantastic! probably what you were inviting me to while i was working on something of my own (which is ready for testing go look it up =p) im sad that i missed it now. this looks like fun and i wih i had been there for testing.

    anyway on to the post. Great asthetics, the guy really looks evil. Is it distracting to the action? and what are the deamons loadouts/weapons?
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Oh I almost forgot.

    Demons first phase:

    1: Grenade Launcher, Spiker

    2: Plasma Repeater, Magnum

    Demons phase 2:

    1: Grenade Launcher, Spiker

    2: DMR, PR

    Demons Phase 3:

    1: Sniper Rifle, Plasma Pistol

    2: Shotgun, Grenade Launcher
  4. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Demons Phase 3:

    1: Sniper Rifle, Plasma Pistol

    A sniper and plasma pistol? You? Zow Jr?
    I want meh Freind backh! Jk sounds alittle OP though. Maybe its cause I wasen't there. So much regreat...
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    It ain't OP considering the Spartans options. Lol
  6. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude, I knew it. We need to get the entire group together. This is awesome. Boss Battles is the best idea ever. I`ll toss you an invite sometime this weekend to work on the RPG map. I kinda got confused about that way to get up to core. But I finally found it. Very nice, I downloaded it when we were testing.
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    We need to sometime. Yeah honestly I thought the Ramps would have made it obvious but I guess I was wrong.
  8. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    I'm glad I found this. I had heard about it from a friend, actually. The aesthetics of this map are impressive, but I think the FX should be gone, simply because I hate FX..
    But, when we played the map it flowed quite nicely, and the balance between elites and Spartans was balanced, even in some ways it would lean towards elites.. Overall, great map, amazing fun.
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Everyone hates FX. And that was the main complaint was the balance. But when I finally get it down, fun like this happens
  10. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    This was fun testing, plus I had good laughs. The face made me rofl, the pics of you writing on them made me roflmao, gameplay made me want to hug this map like never before. You sir, took invasion to a whole new level. Just so original and very cinematic as well. Gameplay was over the top fun. In fact, this is the most fun Invasion map I have seen so far.
  11. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Glad you like it. I am going to be making more maps like this. If you have some ideas, let me know
  12. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

    Likes Received:
    Ya, that whole busting the boss' armor was a good plan that worked out. The idea opens up a lot of possibilities
  13. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    *gasp* Do I sense another Castle Crashers fan!? *Girly Squeal*

    Ahem, well now that thats out of the way, awesome map dude. The asthetics and gameplay looks great. However the demons appear a little (really) weak untile the third phase, that is my only concern.
  14. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    It's meant that way since the elites get a custom pow up that makes them rape and vantage points and the fact hey are stronger than the spartans and can take their weapons. But that was a concern that I am happy u adressEd and I am happier to tell u it's all good
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    The True Final Boss


    The True Final Boss leaves much to be desired. The gameplay seems simple enough. Take down the large “Boss” on the opposite side of the map while “demons” protect him. The execution of this map ends up being too simple for its own good and players will find the game ends far to fast to be worth anyone’s time.

    Invasion games usually take advantage of large player numbers to simulate that large engagement feeling of Reach and past Halo’s Campaigns. That is why it is a strange design decision to have a small invasion map. Three to five players on each team is just not enough players to provide the frantic, close-quarters, brawl the players would have expected from the gameplay on such a small map.

    The game will start out with the Spartans across from the large forge piece created “Boss”. The objective of the first phase is to simply stand at the base of the “Boss” and wait the five or so seconds of the objective timer. Once the second phase begins the “armor” on the Boss will disappear and reveal a bunch platforms leading up to the middle of the Boss. The map thread says phase two has a core that must be taken. This is not true of the version on the map author’s fileshare. Instead there is a bomb that must be taken to the center dish area. The bomb then explodes the second the player steps into the objective area, needlessly killing anyone who happened to be in a high-traffic central area of the map.

    The third phase is by far the most disappointing. Players must take another bomb, which spawns in the center of the middle disk structure, and move it about ten or so feet toward the “Boss”. A man-cannon will spawn and take whoever steps into it directly to the top of the “Boss”. The player will pick up a custom power-up along the way that must protect players from the killball that pokes out from the top of the Boss’ head. Once the bomb-carrier lands they win the game. The whole three phases, independent of how good the Elite team is, takes about five minutes.

    Balance issues crush the replayability of this map and players will find they enjoy being a Spartan for what little time it takes them to complete all three phases and will hate being an Elite.



    The True Final Boss feels like it was a concept that was conceptualized well but in execution fell apart and little was done to correct design flaws. The Spartans essentially start out with just about every tactical weapon advantage; armor lock and a shotgun for close-quarters encounters. This effectively neutralizes the sword the elites can start with. Two of the loadouts come with a grenade launcher and magnum. It takes just two grenade launcher shots to down an elite. Lastly, a loadout with a DMR and sprint armor ability for mid-to-long range battles. The elites start out with just two loadouts to choose from, a sword or a plasma rifle. The sword is pointless against armor lock and a shotgun, and the plasma rifle is pointless against a DMR or the shotgun.

    The second phase opens the floodgates for the Spartans. They have access to a sword and grenade launcher, a DMR and a grenade launcher, a concussion rifle and gravity hammer, and lastly a sniper rifle. Keep in mind that there is infinite ammunition enabled so these are major power weapons the Spartans have infinite use of. The elites can choose from a plasma repeater and concussion rifle, or a plasma pistol and sword.

    The third phase finally opens up for the elites. They basically have access to all the weapons the Spartans had access to in the first and second phases. All of this does not matter much however as the Spartans simply have to walk over a few feet to the man-cannon to score and it does not matter much what weapons the elites are sporting to stop the bomb-carrier.

    Elites can choose to spawn with a little bit of a height advantage so that does compensate for the poor weapon selection at times. There are only three weapons on the map and they are all on the elites side. However their locations are not clear to the players and will most likely go un-noticed in gameplay. There is a fuel-rod cannon under the right hand of the “Boss”. There is also a focus rifle and plasma-launcher on the same platform on top of the Boss’ head, which is only available as a spawn location in phase three.

    The True Final Boss boils down into more of an effort to defend the “Boss” than it is to defeat it, which defeats the concept and theme of the map. Weapon and armor ability balance are non-existent.



    The True Final Boss is located on the top of the Pillar. It’s location makes the map inescapable but that does not mean the map is without its quirks.

    There is a hard kill zone in the Spartans starting spawn area that will kill any player who gets too curious of the lift in the center of the base. There are soft kill zones that extend into the playable area near the right hand of the “Boss”. A safe-zone extends over the entire pillar of the map and goes a few feet below the play area which makes the soft-kill barriers placed in some areas below the playable area questionable.

    The play area proper has no kill barriers on it so all objects could potentially be jumped on and used as a height advantage. Players have reduced gravity and increased jump height so many of the tall objects can be jumped on with some well-timed jumps.

    Since the elites mostly spawn on the rocky surface of the “Boss”, slipping is a real concern. The “Boss” hangs over the lip of the pillar so it is fairly easy for a player to make a wrong jump and slip off to their death. Players can also end up behind the boss as there are no kill barriers preventing it.

    The gametype has some oddities in itself. Damage resistance is set to two hundred percent, but the damage modifier and melee modifier are increased so it is practically a wash. Player speed is increased and player gravity is decreased allowing for easier player movement even though it is unnecessary on such a small map. The bomb-carrier’s color is forced to orange, which does not seem to make much sense. It is as though the author was testing gametype options randomly and let some of them stick.

    There was no noticeable lag on this map, which is surprising given the densely packed forge pieces that make up the “Boss”.



    Player’s would think a giant piece of what is essentially forge art would make this map an aesthetic wonder. Well, other than the forge art the rest of the map is pretty un-inspiring.

    The play-area opposite the “Boss” is composed of five or six merged together coliseum walls. The merge points are very visible and each wall sticks up a little bit making an uneven floor space. The far left side, or right hand side of the “Boss”, has tunnel pieces used for flooring. This just seems sloppy and strange as the coliseum wall appears to cover the space the tunnel pieces are merged into.

    There is an archway made from bridge pieces over the center disk structure which also looks sloppy and uneven. It only blocks line-of-sight slightly when the elites start to spawn at the top of the head. Otherwise the map is pretty open and starting spawns can be seen from most vantage points.

    Seeing the orange fx ball in the Spartan’s starting base is an odd choice as well. The FX ball does not look particularly good and serves no gameplay purpose. While the FX does add a nice atmosphere to the map it should not be visible.

    The “Boss” could have also been a lot more. The map is called, “The True Final Boss” and other than a scary face and some armor that comes off after each phase, there is not much going on with him. A final boss should be daunting and really make the opposing team work to conquer him. Spewing kill balls, making the boss taller or harder to traverse, or have multiple paths within him, all possible avenues which could have made the final boss more enjoyable and aesthetically viable. Instead the “Final Boss” is merely, okay.



    Boss battles have been done before and with better success than the “True Final Boss”. This “Boss” has no bite to him and is more of a wimp. Removable pieces tied to phase changes are a nice break from the norm but do little to make a name for this map.

    Dated forge piece stereotypes are abundant on the map. There is a killball, antenna, disks, and coliseum flooring. Everything leaves players with a feeling of, “it looked better in the pictures”. Those players would be correct, as the gameplay experience was just not there.


    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 3 x 3.0 = 9 out of 30
    Balance: 3 x 3.0 = 9 out of 30
    Durability: 6 x 1.5 = 9 out of 15
    Aesthetic : 6 x 1.5 = 9 out of 15
    Originality: 3 x 1.0 = 3 out of 10

    Final Score


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    #15 PacMonster1, May 8, 2011
    Last edited: May 10, 2011
  16. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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  17. iTs BlackoutXx

    iTs BlackoutXx Forerunner

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    i love it and i download the map. i love the demon looks like an angy Taddybear but i love it great work wel done.
  18. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Way too light. A 3.9 is giving this map too much credit.
  19. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    It's all a matter of opinion. Would you like it better If I brought back the BR?
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    Btw, your download links do not work.

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