Hello Forge Hub. How are you today? That's nice, well, now that formalities are out of the way, let's move on. I've been working on an invasion map (my first b the way) for close to four months now, and yet I am still making small changes. While the map has made leaps and strides, I know from it's most basic design it will never be quite perfect, that I can't be happy with every little bit. So when, then, is it done, or at least post-able? The changes I am making are fairly petty now, but still have somewhat of an effect. I am also finding it hard to get good feedback from players who have seen it for the past few months, and it has been through the TG before. I want to post it soon, but I can't decide when it has been perfected ENOUGH to post as a final version (ok, a final that could still be slightly modified.) General answers are appreciated, but you are welcome to take a look at the map as well. Note: The newest version is not yet on my file share, but will be shortly. Note 2: Old pic actually in my signature I just noticed! Will have new pic by 5/8 as well. Version 9.9 link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Newest Version Link: Expect by 5/8 2011 Gametype Link: Frustratingly, also expect by 5/8 2011. Didn't re-upload right. Catch you on the flip side FH.
I've been working on an infection map for about 10 months. I've tested it nearly every Friday, and I've continuously added things. Only recently have I added something seriously game changing. The more you test it, the better. But, if it's unbreakable, and people enjoy it, it's usually safe to post it.
Well a map can never be perfect. There is always thing that can be added (or taken away in situations) that can make a map much better. @plasma, reach hasn't been out for ten months.
I started its design 10 months ago, then start building it in H3 but figured that I'd release it too late - So while technically it wasn't in forge for ten months, it was conceptualized ten moths ago (which I consider to be just as important a part as the actual construction). But expanding on your idea, there's always going to be aspects of your map that some people like and that others don't. So you've got to find the best balance - something that the largest proportion of people enjoy.
Thanks guys, I actually just made more major changes, which I can't believe I wanted to post without before. I'm going to try to excelerate the process over the next month to get it post-able, so at least everything doesn't change after I post and it can just have minor modifications. Erupt, your prize is a map in the TG. You can test as many as you like. There's also a cookie on the desk behind you. It is yours now. Thanks everyone, guess I'm back to work on it!
Is the falcon in? Can I haz plasma launcher? Where is the sniper rifle now? Are there any spawn changes? Did you actually implement the changes I proposed?
Yesh, der ish a falcon and a plashma launcher, both fairly near where you showed me. Sniper is where we decided at bottom until further notice. Spawns are super duper more awesome (I hope) and I want to test the new design tonight. I also re-modeled the bottom attacker base to a smaller design and added a mancannon there for phase 3 to get you to the p1 area faster now that the gooses are gone. So yes, I did take your advice, and I even made a few changes of my own. See you on!
I've been working on my Invasion map since October, I have over 100 different saves of my map and I'm still working on it. A map is done when it conveys the feeling that you strive for when you build the map, and Invasion is tough because the gametype is so fragile an addition in either direction can push the map to new feelings. In my map, I'm still looking for that Spire/Boneyard perfect balance, and I think as of recently I'm very close.
Hehe.... A map is never done. Forge is an art, and like any art, the artist himself is the biggest critic. When you are happy with it, then it is done. I've been working on Aerocrest for over a year and a half now. Even when the Halo 3 version was featured, I still wasn't satisfied. I don't know if I'll ever be satisfied with it.
I ask myself the same question, so I still have my two maps lying around as I make small changes or additions every once in a while. I'm glad I've made those changes, but I'm getting to a point where I should really just release them. They can never be perfect.
I agree with most, but an important factor here is that the most basic design of the map simply cannot be changed, as it is constructed on the hills on the coastline, and when I began it I knew nothing of invasion, so there are a few fundamental problems that just can't ever be changed. Perfect will have to be when I can't see any more changes that could improve it, or if I ever have the chance to build it on a real map engine, which would be sweet. The falcon is tentative after the last match, I will have to test more. Other than that, I love it.
I think a map is done when it conveys the gameplay the map maker wants in the game while still being balanced and unbreakable. My best advice is test the map with your friends. just testing it by yourself tells you nothing (personal bais stuff you hear about in psychology class). Friends on the other hand will galdly tell you what they think about it and what they think could make it better. As long as these ideas don't drift off from the major concept of your map it will work just fine.