For those of you who played Halo 3 you may remember Halo on Halo. Well this is a team based version of that. The only way to do damage to eachother is by running over someone who is on foot. Guns do nothing (damage wise) unless you pick up a custom power up. Everyone has one life. Both teams start here. There is a teleporter on each side that lead up to here. If you want your team to win, ONE person needs to go through the teleporter. If more than one goes it is pointless because there is only one sniper up there and the second person will be doing nothing. Once up there you can not kill yourself and you are stuck there until the game is over. The track starts off very basic and wide. There are 4 mongooses and 2 warthogs for each team. The warthogs are extremely difficult to get to the end with and are primarily for messing the other team up. Around here the track starts to narrow and get more competitive to stay on. There are jumps that are just wide enough that a mongoose can make it but if you're on foot you can't. this prevents people from taking the easy way. Once you get to the end there will be 2 buildings that have lights in fron of them. Enter the building that the light is the same color as your team. There you will pick up a power up that will alow you to do damage to a fusion coil in front of you. Shoot the fusion coil. Doing this will teleport your teams sniper into a KOTH zone room and score the points to win. The other teams sniper will be teleported into a room that kills them. If both teams have lost all drivers on the ground then both snipers need to make their way up to the center of the platfrom they are standing on. At the top there is a custom power up that will not let them move for 10 seconds (power up respawns in 15 seconds) and makes it so their weapons do damage. The need to shoot eachother to end the game. Doesn't matter who shoots who, no one gets a point. there is no way to get the power up and shoot the drivers.
May I make a suggestion. Set this up for Haloball instead of KoTH. Have the "ball" for both teams be in the final structure and each mongoose be a "goal" with a hill around it. Then make it 2 points to win. Now make the reciever node a ball too. When you step in the teleporter, not only will you "score" your mongoose, but it will despawn the reciever, allowing only one person through. This will mean the first point will be going into the teleporter, and the second will be for getting your "goal" to the "ball" in the final structure. There you have a foolproof scoring system, with no need for potentially confusing honor rules. - Random1 [br][/br]Edited by merge: BTW this has my DL regardless
If i had made this map after halo ball I probably would have made it with halo ball. But I have too many maps with that gametype so I just kept this one this way. Plus there is not much honor rules here. It may require more work to get off a mongoose and shoot a fusion coil instead of drving into your point but if someone decides to shoot the wrong fusion coil its not much different then someone shooting thier own teamate in slayer. Plus the reciever teleporter that you want to disapear when you pass over it is also the reciever node you get teleported to when the sniper falls of his platform to prevent him from dying.