sitting in my room playing around in forge , i suddenely glance over at my little bros book shelf and stumble upon an atlas . I suddenely get a great idea in my head , what if this was a map . After 12 hours straight(i do have a life) , this idea came into reality . This map is mainly a territories based map . Red vs Blue , Old World vs New , Asia vs North America . The territories are broken down into continents and then major cities . Cities marked by the small antenna and the color changed based on what country it would be in(London=Red , Washington=Blue , Baghdad=Green) ^initial spawn^ (middle east) Featherygiraffe saw this was good , and on the 2nd day he created the mountans . Featherygiraffe again saw this was good and on the 3rd day he created the grass . ... and on the 7th day he rested . Asia in all its glory ! South America . No more rainforest <8~( theres good old amURika(uh-mer-i-kuh) ^Europa^ Africa , look at all those vital resources ! Now i know this is a perfect representation of the world . But it was extremely hard to keep everything as accurate and fun as possible . When i still had some money left over to edit with , i decided to make the map historically accurate a little bit . I put weapons and power ups in some places , at least one on every continent . For instance , in Africa you can find a sword because i thought they historically had good fighting tribes . A rocket launcher is in china since they were the first ones to discover gunpowder . And on the florida penninsula you can find a jet pack , because thats where the first mission to the moon was hosted . Walking around the map you can find even more guns and armor abilities that i tried to give some historical accuracy to . As for the power ups : custom power up - gold - gives you increased everything basically active camo - diamonds - makes you invisible overshield - blood - military superiority And if you were wondering about the first person perspective : : Halo Reach : File Details --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AND THIS MAP IS FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE SO PLEASE DO SO - just don't change the layout please - YOU CAN JUST EDIT THE CITIES AND WEAPONS ect...
Very original idea! I haven't tested it yet, but it looks great from the screens! One question though, how do you travel across the water? Did you put a grid down or is the gap small enough to jump?
uhm my original plan was to bounce mongooses across a shield door . but budgets are the devil , plus mongooses don't bounce off them(i found out later) . so island hopping is the only travel method but very easy actually .
pretty awesome looking, its a little messy but thats nearly impossible to avoid if you're making organic shapes like that. i like how you included all the major mountain ranges and ****. ill have to test it out
I LOVE IT The idea is amazing, I can't believe no one else thought of it first. I'd personally enjoy this more if you made it an aesthetic map, possibly larger, definantly include the moon, and the launching points to get there are representations of the most famous and sucessful space launches. Area 51's believed location could have the only plasma weapon, and I am also dissapoint at the lack of famous, or even remotely notable lakes and seas. Maybe large cities and megalopolises could have a spot as well. Ah, well. Maybe next time, huh? Even though this could be better, I still love it and hope to see you come up with another good idea sometime in the future.
This is amazing aesthetics, wow. Great work. And so many gametypes too, I can't wait for a distant look of this map. Although this has so many gametypes, I think this would have received more interest in the aesthetic catagory. But with all the gametypes is just as suitable on this catagory. Awesome
Wheres antarica? xD And Russia was the one who had the 1st man to the moon, it was kinda like a competition between Russia & the U.S. during the Cold War atfer WW II I would suggest having Jetpacks on both nations
When i saw the thumbnail of this i just had to check it out. I think you did a nice job recreating the world here on forge, to be honest its not anything i ever though about doing it here. I like how you added weapons or aa in certain areas and gave them meanings, all in all and nice forge creation of the planet. (although like a poster above i'm kinda missing Antarctica.) The soviet union never had someone set foot on the moon. They were the first ones to send a man into space though.
I definitely believe that you meant orbit, not the moon. Uri Gagarin.. Look it up. From the sound of it, you came up with a quite interesting gametype for this. Yet I am actually here to praise your dedication to forging every continent. That is something nit too many people can say. "I forged the world". Definite props, as far as I know this is very unique.
love it, I even use it for my little bro to teach him the continents while playing his fav. game. Great job and thank you so much 9.5/10
download imenent i'm downloading this right now i wanna blow up chernobyl in halo. this map is sick man good job