My first foray into posting maps here on FH. Long-time lurker, occasional poster... thought I'd try and give back for once. Let me present Observatory, a small asymmetrical map reminiscent of Lockout and Guardian. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. The map is currently in the testing/refining stage, so feel free to download and give 'er a spin. EDIT: Observatory is back and better than ever! The old sniper platform has been transformed into an entirely new two-story building, adding another dimension to gameplay and greatly improving the spawn system. The sniper now occupies the hammer's old spot, with the hammer now making its home near the top of the new building. The concussion rifle rests on the platform behind the new building. The new face of Observatory: Weapon set now includes: Sniper x1 Hammer x1 Concussion Rifle x1 Needle Rifle x2 DMR x2 Needler x1 Plasma Repeater x1 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Grenades x3 --Old Photos-- In keeping with the spirit of its ancestors, Observatory features a number of tactical jumps and ninja routes to aid experienced players in their movement around the map. For example, the classic Doorframe Jump: Or the slightly more difficult Ledge Climb:
Seeing as these types of maps are my favorite, this map looks extremely promising. It's reminiscent of Guardian/Lockout without directly copying them. The ninja jumps merge nicely with the surrounding architecture and you've choosen a pretty much unused place to build it. Keep up the great work and I can see this map turning into a keeper
Thanks! I really like this area because A.) no annoying waterfalls, B.) the cliff is relatively straight, and C.) the lighting is remarkably consistent, so I don't have any bright silver spots or jet-black brace-larges of death
Sure, it'd be awesome if you could run some more tests. The most recent version is in my fileshare, I'd like to test out the Throwdown gametype as well as regular slayer (both FFA and team) and anything else you feel like playing, perhaps Oddball or something. All gametypes should be supported besides Invasion and Race.
Had a look at this with you in forge yesterday, and I love how clean everything looks. It seems professional enough to be a Bungie map, with kind of a similar styling but perhaps a bit more aesthetic polish. The jump ups are also very cool, and the weapon locations are logical. Hit me up whenever you want to test this.
Hey all, this map is back from the grave and looking better than ever. Don't believe me? Fine. Have a look at these...
Did you add in the new building, or was I forgotten? It's hard to tell from the pics, plus 8 haven't seen this map in awhile.
This looks very nice. It seems like a cross between lockout and Matt's Repression. I look forward to playing this.
Yay! Im in the first picture! The map was madness when we were playing ball. Until we all started using DS, the ball got reset more times than picked up. The game was pretty enjoyable and the map definitely looks good.
Mock, you've been holding out on me. How come I've never seen this map before? But it does look nice nonetheless. I might have to come back to Halo just to test this out.
To answer all your burning questions: -Yes, Erupt, the building is new. -No, Anthraxe, I'm not holding out on you, you've just been too busy playing Naruto Storm to have seen it Had a great testing session yesterday... Crazy King with random weapons was, well, crazy, but I have to say that Oddball is far and away my favorite gametype on this map. As per someone's suggestion, I've added more balls, so now we can play with three instead of one! I've also added more hills, so now things should move around the map a little more. Don't take my word for it though, download and test the map yourself! The DL in the first post has been updated!
Unfortunately, that's my brother's doing. I've actually been playing CoD and the new Mortal Kombat. (btw, it's uber awesome.)