Undertaken map pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by shi11tenshi, May 3, 2011.

  1. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Four maps crafted for the community. I hope you enjoy these maps as much as me and my friends had testing and playing. I really put the best i could in these maps for the love of the community. enjoy guys! Now threw this endeavor i learned the about many of the challenging trails developers go threw every day.

    sorry about the pictures damn bandwidth

    undertaking map pack pictures by shi11tenshi - Photobucket

    welcome to the:[​IMG]

    (Note: that the spawn cameras have been fixed since the game footage was taken)

    Spider mines

    Spider mines is a medium symmetrical
    map perfect for team slayer or ffa. With
    the two sides so visually different is hard to get lost.
    the whole ides of this map was an abandoned mining shaft.
    so i tried to make the map look really raw and old.

    X1 over shield
    X1 sniper rifle
    X4 DMR
    X4 Needle rifle
    X2 Shotgun
    X2 concussion rifle
    X4 needler
    X4 spiker
    X2 plasma pistol
    X1 rockets
    X4 frags
    X4 med kits
    X8 plasma nades


    YouTube - undertaken map pack -spider mines gameplay-





    Enix is an inverse symmetrical map.
    think of it like a lockout, guardian, fission.
    Enix plays fast and well,
    the only way to gain the advantage, is team work.

    X1 over shield
    X2 sniper rifle
    X3 DMR
    X3 Needle rifle
    X2 Shotgun
    X2 concussion rifle
    X4 needler
    X4 spiker
    X2 plasma pistol
    X2 plasma rifle
    X1 rockets
    X4 frags
    X4 med kits
    X6 plasma nades


    YouTube - undertaken map pack-enix gameplay-



    Crossfire plays much like the pit.
    use it for almost everything.
    from team slayer to juggernaut
    its a good time for everyone.

    X2 sniper rifle
    X4 DMR
    X4 Needle rifle
    X2 Shotgun
    X2 concussion rifle
    X4 needler
    X4 spiker
    X2 plasma pistol
    X1 rockets
    X2 frags
    X4 med kits
    X6 plasma nades


    YouTube - Undertaken map pack -crossfire gameplay-




    (note: please note that the map has slightly changed different lights and the structures have changed, i failed to get more footage)


    Perception plays like the map reflection.
    a few high areas to attack down.
    the high travailed areas see the best combat.
    very colorful and easy to get around

    X1 Hammer
    X1 sniper rifle
    X6 DMR
    X6 Needle rifle
    X2 Shotgun
    X2 concussion rifle
    X4 needler
    X4 spiker
    X2 plasma pistol
    X1 rockets
    X4 frags
    X4 med kits
    X8 plasma nades


    YouTube - undertaken map pack -perception gameplay-



    Thanks for checking this out and your support, I took two months making all these.
    #1 shi11tenshi, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  2. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Just so you know, you'll prolly get an infraction for your thumbnail image. You can't have text/images that aren't of the map(s).
  3. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    i just couldn't pick one pictures from one of the maps you know... so i whipped this up instead... I apologize forum. lolz

    Frozenlynx how about a little feedback huh?
    #3 shi11tenshi, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  4. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well from what I can see, you have a good understanding of map design, something that is rarely seen among new members. But keep in mind I'm just judging from what I can see in the videos.

    I'm particularly interested in Crossfire, I love how you implemented the long lines of sight.
  5. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Alright. I like you first map, Spider Mines. The rocks look natural. I also like that the layout is symetrical but other things are asymetrical. I don't really like the type of map Enix is (A map with buildings and bridges floating just above the water) but I would have to admit, you did a great job. The aesthetics are pleasing and the layout is great.

    I love Crossfire. The map is perfect. The only thing I would change is the name. Way to common. But other than that flawless. I have no comments for perception. But from what I can tell it looks more like cold storage than reflection.

  6. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    @Urban Myth. Thank you for the complement. I like i said tho, i used two or more months of time making these maps. i spent a little time on halo 2-3 moving around the maps trying to get an understand standing. Asking myself "why is this there?" and then think about every way i could use it. then what i learned from the old maps i tried to implement into mine. each map here has maybe 7 or more failed trys each.

    CROSSFIRE: the pit was my inspiration, with crossfire i looked back at the pit and tried to remember why everyone loved it. Thats because is was. very interesting map to fight on it has all these different spaces for combat everything from CQC to sniper fights. so i did my best to emulate some of that game-play.

    -Thanks for checking it out man!
    #6 shi11tenshi, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  7. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These are some great map, Crossfire being my favorite. Like Urban Myth said, "you have a good understanding of map design, something that is rarely seen among new members". The only map that seems a tad bit dull would be Enix but the other maps definitely make up for, so, keep forging.
  8. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    you have a very unique style of building, keep it up because it is good. my only concern is that on some of the maps, the weapons seem a bit too squished together. im not sure about the others, but my main concern with this is perception. what i mean is, for example, the concussion rifle is right near a med pack, a dmr and two plasma nades. literally, i could get them all in under ten seconds. plus, the needle rifle is right near the sniper, making a deadly medium & long range combo. aside from theses, the maps are unique, the design is good, and hopefully the gameplay is too. good job. oh, and late, late welcome to FH.
  9. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    @SquidMan33: Thanks for the feedback on each map i like knowing honestly what people think about the map that i put out there for the community. From what i can tell people really like Spider mines and Crossfire. Which in truth I thought that those where the two maps that people where going to like. also SquidMan33 i really like how you gave me feedback on every map its much appreciated.

    Edited by merge:

    @Panic45 LOL is seems thats people are either in love with crossfire or spider mines, which doesn't bother me in the least. Like i said before i spent i few days in halo 2-3 trying to find out what makes the old maps like the pit lockout ETC so damn good, and tried my best to emulate some of those aspects, and put out my own original maps that played like something players remember in a new area.
    #9 shi11tenshi, May 3, 2011
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  10. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

    Likes Received:

    Thanks for the review, I am always glad when i find out someone liked my work.

    posting them alone could get the ones that people liked looked and more views

    more to that point. I am going to have to think about posting them all alone it seems abit much but i will give it some thought.
  11. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Spider-mines looks really boss... I love how the water is incorporated into the map as an aesthetic piece.
    Enix looks like a re-imagination of lockout or guardian. A pretty cool one, at that. It is kind of Weapon-heavy, i think it's just rockets. Maybe a nade launcher or Mach.gun?
    Cross fire looks like fun, same complaint as the last one though.
    Perception ONCE AGAIN HAS ROCKETS. lol. This one i think is pretty cool.
    The hammer room is a bit uncovered, though. and lag could be an issue.
    Ah well, they're all cool. epic.
  12. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    Wow thanks for the feedback my friend, as always it is appreciated. Yeah rockets i am not going to lie i love them. in a slayer game it gives a goal for player to fight over i think and always get a good quick kill lol. yeah perception has a few small FR issues in the back by sniper but it only happens in forge, oh and the lag came from the fact that the videos are poor quality. from one pack pack maker to another thanks! we gotta look out for each other out there lol.

    A shout out to soul slasher, sorry buddy but your GIF idea was way better then my photoshoped image, i borrowed your idea, i hope you don't mind.

    Edited by merge:

    What in the world does this "Hacked by Team Animus" stuff mean?
    #12 shi11tenshi, May 4, 2011
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  13. aegis

    aegis Guest

    I've played a lot of Crossfire and it seems to be greatly designed map. It's clear a lot of thought went into setting each little detail just right.

    Spidermines is very unique (compared to other map designs) in the smart usage of rocks within the map. You manage to have asymmetrical halves, along with the bridge on one end of the open area and pillars on the other, yet still maintain balance.

    Enix is a solid small teams map reminiscent of an inverted Lockout (the sides forming a square-shape, with the middle providing a point to easily aim at any part of the map.

    And finally, Perception is an OK-average map. I do love how care was still taken in making it balanced, but balanced doesn't always equal fun.
  14. ToXiC SPlaTTeRz

    ToXiC SPlaTTeRz Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i actually have a question besides that i played the maps and they where great...
    how did you make more than one thumbnail image?
  15. kanako yanigaha

    kanako yanigaha Forerunner

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    well sir Shi11tenshi, perception, very smooth game play, very colorfull, perfect timing on weapon placement, even advantages. Enix, good map, more alternative routes to take in battle, multi leveled perfectly put, not to much cover, not too open. spider mines, beautiful map, your never stuck in one spot, love the attic part, the water tunnels are a nifty idea, and i love the fore runner, and rock theme. and crossfire, not my favorite, but its not bad either, i like the magnet bridges, and the sniper spawns, i love the UNSC, covenant theme, and love the windows in the hall ways, took me a while to figure out the different routes in it, but when i did, it was rather a good map to play on.

    your welcome sir ekim.

    kanako yanigaha ( pat )
  16. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Well as long as rockets fit the map, have a low clip and long spawns, it should be fine.
    I dont mind the cycle GIF, it's kinda common to me. I got the idea from Bungie.net, when you scroll over a rendered video it shows you slides.
    I don't know what the title meant, everyone-including mods had it.
    Ask around discussion, map threads aren't the place.

    Type in makeaGIF.com or something, your bound to find one.
    #16 Soul Slasher, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  17. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    @aegis, thanks for coming on here and posting a comment on my map pack i am glad you like it and i am happy you went out of your way to comment on my work thanks man! Even tho you hate perception lol thats ok 3/4 maps liked is good enough for me. much appreciated feedback!

    @ ToXiC SPlaTTeRz Yeah map i am glad you liked the gif image i used gifninja(dot)com its really easy to use and i think it makes the forum stand out, also i hope you enjoy the maps lol.

    @kanako yanigaha well buddy you know me lmao, i spent months of time trying to make these maps as fun and easy to move play and feel great. and play as best they can... although its hard to sand out here on forgehub there are many great map makers on here which is F******* amazing to look at all the new wonderful maps on here... i like forgehub i just wish i was more popular lol, the halo community is truly a astonishing one... and one i will always support!

    Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    Edited by merge:

    @Soul Slasher

    I think i did my best to make rockets work on each map when we hop into a custom games i hope you think they work well to.
    #17 shi11tenshi, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  18. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I didn't read your other post, however it must have been negative. True that i don't know anyone but this has over 1000 views which stands for something don't it? so what my maps are not doing that well. If they liked what they saw they would have kept it alive. A few people downloaded these maps... Give it time my reputation will build up over time.
  19. BORG k79

    BORG k79 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tenshi, I am really glad to see you got all your maps in a Map Pack up here on Forgehub.

    I have seen and played all of these maps from the designing and testing stage. You did a great job of taking criticism from the playtests and it truley shows in the gameplay of the final versions posted here. It takes alot of work to make competitve maps that all have a different feel and atmosphere.

    Crossfire is great in its current setup. The Halo 3 version was slick but this version plays so much better with the Reach gameplay tweaks.

    ENIX reminds me of a Guardian and Lockout style map and I really think you chose a great location to build in.

    Perception I think has gone through the most changes since you first started work on it. Its a good thing you didnt give up on it because it plays so well now that you simplified the routes and got rid of the "dead areas" of the map.

    Spidermines is one I havent had a chance to play on alll that much but I still want to see you make a map out of the upper areas of the map not accessible by the players. haha

    Great job man. Keep up the hard work man, people apprieciate it.
  20. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Borg, yeah it was along hall, i am humbled by the review from you. thanks with the massive amount of play testing you endured XD I am glad you where there the whole time providing me with feedback on how to make the maps play feel and look completely different from anything i have seen. lol as always i refuse to be apart of any mold. as for the community man i hope they like what they got from my map pack.... depending how these maps do... is the dividing factor if i will keep forging or not. theres alot of other forgers... great ones lol

    Thanks for having my back Borg

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