Ancient tales suggest that this volcano was used as a sort of crude execution tool for prisoners. Ironic, isn't it? 4-8 players Alright, everyone! I have a new map I'd like to showcase. It is titled Sacrilege, namely because this map is supposedly an execution/sacrificial stage for societal outcasts. It is forged around a rock that is relatively untouched by Forgers, located several yards away from the beachhead. In order for the map to be fully symmetrical, I had to add more rocks to the natural one, because its layout was lopsided. Depending on where you are on the map, it could be a large or small map. With large lines-of-sight, close-quarter rooms, vertical combat, and possible aerial combat, as well as an additional Kill Ball that thunders down the mountain every minute or so, you'll have your hands full with this one. Weapon Layout for Sacrilege: DMR x 4/10 (15 sec.) Spiker x 4/6 (30 sec.) Plasma Pistol x 2/4 (30 sec.) Concussion Rifle x 2/3 Shotgun x 2/3 (60 sec.) Focus Rifle x 1 (90 sec.) Spartan Laser x 1 (180 sec.) Frag Grenade x 4/14 (15 sec.) Plasma Grenade x 4/18 (15 sec.) Falcon x 1 (135 sec.) (Symmetrical gametypes only) Click this for some photos of Sacrilege Spoiler An overview of Sacrilege. Purty, ain't she? This is Red Team's spawn. The main spawn is the structure in the middle (with the Man Cannon). Two DMRs spawn nearby, one on each side. This is the Blue Team's spawn. It is the exact same as Red's, though flip-flopped. Those platforms in front of the structures mounted in the rocks are home to the Concussion Rifle. On Sacrilege, do not underestimate their potential. Do you remember those Man Cannons in front of each base? Good, because this is where they lead to. A lone Shotgun spawns on each platform. Depending on the game being played on Sacrilege, the teleporter can lead to two different places... 1. The Execution Stage. This is where a majority of the fighting takes place, and it's also the most hazardous location on Sacrilege. Every minute, a Kill Ball spawns right at the top of the mountain and rolls down it, slaughtering all who get in its way, and eventually falls into the water. The teleporter is sort of hard to see, but it's behind the Brace. The Execution Stage is home to the Spartan Laser, the immediate answer to the Falcon in Symmetric matches, as well as the best vantage point on Sacrilege; a throne-like staircase a few feet from the Spartan Laser. However, it is risky to blindly charge for this coveted power weapon. If you're not careful... ...the Kill Ball will remind you that IT is in charge. STRRRRRRRIKE! 2. The Air Pad. It is the location of the map's only vehicle, the Falcon. The Air Pad is closed off entirely in Asymmetric matches by a Kill Boundary. See? What'd I tell you! The Rotunda. The walkway in front of the Rotunda is the location of two of the map's Spikers, two Health packs, and several objective points, like Hills, flags, and capture points. Inside, the Focus Rifle spawns on a pedestal, like a trophy to a king. Also, I have managed to squeeze in a quick test-run of this map in a FFA match-up (since the party only had 5 people). Here are some photos from that game: Spoiler The Concussion Rifle is a handy tool on this map (as long as you can actually hit something...). Skirmishes on the Execution Stage force you to watch both your enemy AND the impending Kill Ball. If you can take control of the Spartan Laser, map control is as easy as pie, especially if you move to higher ground. Just watch out for grenades flying everywhere... ...people with nothing to lose... ...and, of course, the $!@#*?% Kill Ball! When fighting in close-quarters, the Spiker is the best close-range weapon to be utilizing, next to the Shotgun, obviously. Thanks to the following fellow Forgehubbers who fearlessly fought on this fine map for the first time: broccollipie Bio Cobalt The Berb 9 Pops 29 Me, of course... When I can actually get an official test of this map (say, next TGIF, perhaps?) in Team-based gametypes, I will post Sacrilege in the "Competitive Maps" Forums. Until then, you could take a quick peek at it by downloading it from my File Share. Also, I have a video of the FFA game I played with those four others, but I am unable to render it. If anyone's willing, that'd be appreciated (I'm sorry that I'm not rich...). Until then, thanks for looking, and I'll see you on Reach!
I would agree, I'm not a fan of kill zones (especially hard kill zones) in tempting places. Actually that map we were playing on last night annoyed me a bit because we had a close game going and I jet-packed up on to a roof (which wasn't even that high) during a key moment, and a hard kill zone took me out. It's frustrating to learn that lesson when you're trying to actually win a game. To me soft kills are usually better than hard kills, and a physical obstruction of some kind is better than either one. Anyway in this case, I'd suggest to just set that platform and the falcon on it to symmetrical only, so they simply don't appear in asymm games.
As of now, the entire platform is now only visible in Symmetric matches. The only problems that I see now are the "z-fighting"(?), and the fact that if you actually touch the Kill Ball (the small, bright orb in the middle), it is nudged off course. Other than that, the map is flawless. Also, I played a Team Slayer game recently, but I'll put up screenshots tomorrow.
The killball moving around and going off course was fun, it completely changed the gameplay - I would keep it. Z- fighting I usually just precision edit ever so slightly so the little bump is hardly noticeable
Yeah, I fixed that "Z-fighting" issue, and I also fixed up the map a bit, especially the Execution Stage. There, I added a large Brace above the walkway so that the Kill Ball rolls above you, and so I don't have to worry about it being knocked off course. Whenever I'm able to get the computer for more than 5 minutes, I'll put up new pictures around where I made some of the most obvious changes.