I love your bridge. It took me a while to figure out what it was. This definitely gets my DL. Great job.
Thanks guys, glad you (finally) like it lol. Working on my next map right now, hope you guys like that too :] Peace.
Map Name :Reach 101 Author:Picceta Reviewed By:roche178 Enjoyment: 6/10 I thought this map was fun but it had some flaws that made it less not as enjoyable such as the spawns people started spawning right next to me which can get frustrating. Also the weapon placement was very random at one point it seemed like everyone had at least one power weapon. Balance: 7/10 Again as I have stated before you put too many power weapons on the map I also noticed there was very little cover to break the line of fire so I noticed I was getting spawned killed a lot by players who already had power weapons. Durability: 5/10 The spawns on this map really were broken I found myself either spawning next to another person or they spawned next to me. And you could get out of the map by simply grenade jumping of the Chopper. Aesthetics: 8/10 I think your map looked really nice I loved the pallet bridge that was a very cool little feature and the walkway made out of fence walls is very smooth a hard feat to accomplish. The interlocked floor and the scenery outside the walls also was easy on the eyes. Although there was one wall that was really slanted. Originality: 7/10 The most unique part of this map was the pallet bridge I have never really seen any Pallet bridges in maps now a days and I have to admit it is nice. And I like the water fall there are not many maps with water falls in them. Overall score (Average of the above): 6/10 I would say you really need to improve your spawns and your weapon layout as I feel these are the weakest parts of your maps. I loved the pallet bridge and the water fall was also very cool. I can see you put lots of effort into the map and I look forward to what you Forge in the future.