Very nice. I tried to make one of these a while back, but I have a industrial forge style. It reminds me of headlong.
yeah, it looks interesting and captures the city feeling much more than urban life, but once again, you will have to make updates. 1, there's too little cover like before, and 2, YOU PUT A ROCKET RIGHT NEXT TO SHADE TURRET!!!! lol but really i can see one right next to a shade turret in one of the pics. seperate those, they make one fricking deadly combo.
This is what i need though good constructive critisim, I think im going to pull the buildings in by one big wall which will make the street access less roomy and give me more objects to place, what you see on the map is all the items allowed in any givin map so corners are going to have to be cut literly and metephorically, lol. but ya any other ideas to help make this a map worthy of playing let me know.
Sorry, but this map is using a modded map base to create that many walls, and that is now allowed here at Forge Hub. :lock: