
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Pstolwpdsnoman, May 2, 2011.

  1. Pstolwpdsnoman

    Pstolwpdsnoman Forerunner

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    Because the hyphen was already taken.

    Sup guys. This Is U~Turn.


    U~turn is a small, hardcore symmetrical map predominately for team based slayer and objective game types. I had a ton of fun building it, and a lot more fun playing it with friends and other FH members. So rather than run on about it heres a video I slapped together real quick.

    YouTube - U~turn Gameplay (feat. Arctic Monkeys)

    Top down view w/ weapon spawns


    Thanks to my friends
    and my brother
    Jwall254 for all the help and patience

    And to V clinical V and his group for testing

    And to forge hub for being awesome.
    #1 Pstolwpdsnoman, May 2, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  2. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
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    I like this map for two reasons. One, Im a sucker for maps in the asylum area but thats not really important. The second is the simplicity of the design. In this case less is more. From what i see in the video it looks like you have just the right amount of cover on the two sides.

    I really like the grenade bridges (the ones on the lower corners of the second picture) I think it rounds off the map nicely and definitely gives players a reason to spread out onto the entire map.

    Nice job, I will certainly enjoy playing on this!
  3. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Map looks great you did a good job in making the map layout simple, while at the same time not making the map dull. So for that I congratulate you. The layout of the map reminds of a really down sized Breakpoint, while the bases and windows remind me of Standoff.

    My one and only recommendation is perhaps adding teleporters at the top right and left corners of the map (looking from your overview picture). This is because I'm afraid people will have too much of a stalemate getting the flag too the base simply because there isn't any cover around middle (the distance from one base to the other). As a result perhaps the teleporters could help in giving flag carriers another route in capturing the flag. Remember this is just a recommendation, and if you were going for a stalemate kind of deal then by all means keep the map the same. If you do go with the teleport idea I'd be willing to help in testing if you ever needed more testers. My GT is X2Sora.
    #3 X2Sora, May 2, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  4. Pstolwpdsnoman

    Pstolwpdsnoman Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feed back guys.

    Legacy one of my favorite things about making this map is how different people seem to like different things. I'm a big fan of the tiny ramps in the bases and the sniper towers up top but everyone I've asked has something different to say. Its cool to me how some of those accidents became staples to the map.

    X2Sora, dude i know exactly what you mean about that choke but every time I try adding teleporters or man cannons it always makes the flag cap too easy. The set up I have now is what I came up with through the testing I did with my friends but given that is the play style we all prefer. I'll definitely try it though.
    I thought it was funny that you said it reminded you of breakpoint and standoff because its totally supposed to be a baby waterworks+sidewinder so I guess people see different things.
  5. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    I got to play on this last weekend, a couple games and it was indeed fun. My favorite was our ctf game, it requires coordination and team work to get a flag cap on here, as you must first get to the flag, and then get back out past the enemies. If i am correct you can see me failing at that last part in the video. The map works in many ways, I was able to use multiple combat styles on here effectively, be it a sniper, dmr, focus rifle (nice to see its inclusion), or shotgun. I must say that I am happy to see a ghost on this map it is not overpowered, but is still useful.

    If i could offer 1 suggestion for a future version of the map it would be to maybe find a way to use of the space behind the bases a bit more (not directly behind, but the sides).

    I have enjoyed playing on U~Turn, and hope that you do to.
  6. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    This is a great little map you have here, I'm really looking forward to getting a game or two together this weekend.

    I love your base structures, especially the small ramp the roof and the vehicle patio-area thing. One small question though: I did a forgethrough and saw that a lot of your weapons (focus rifle, both shotguns, all the dmr's) had default spawn times and spare clips, and the sniper rifles on top of the bases were set at only 45 seconds with two spare chips. Is this intentional?

    It seems to me that semi-power weapons like the FR and shotguns especially could use a significantly longer respawn time, perhaps somewhere around 60 seconds or so, to ensure that there's not dudes running around with maxed-out shotty ammo. The snipers I can see working a bit better, but I would personally decrease the spare clips to 1 just to make sure that the dude sniping from the roof doesn't have access to (essentially) unlimited ammo.
  7. Pstolwpdsnoman

    Pstolwpdsnoman Forerunner

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    The idea was that a first time player would pick up the shotgun and realize that he should play designated defense, but I get that its weird. All I can say is that the shot gun changes hands quite a bit and the extra clips get used up quick. And as for the FR I have no Idea how much ammo its needs because of that 100 countdown thing. I'm probably going to do another version at a later date with adjusted weapon spawning and additional game types.

    On a side note PM me if you ever want to get a game together.
  8. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I qued this for download. It does remind me of a mini Sidewinder with the side by side bases which I love. You have inspired me to forge a small map up there myself in the near future.

    This will be great fun on our weekly Halo custom games night my friends and I have! Thanks!
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This was my thought as well. You could potentially place teleporters near the cliffside corners. This still allows for a more difficult flag capture, but could open the space up more. Of course I have yet to play the map, so I'll wait before I confirm my suspicions.

    The easy flag caps with the teleporters might be caused by the short weapon spawns. I would definitely lengthen the spawn time on all of your power weapons before doing anything else.

    This looks like a very solid map. It reminds me a bit of Foman's map Core from the community playlist, but I personally think this could play much better (I wasn't a big fan of his map). You should check out the linked thread and look at people's comments since your maps have that same basic "U" shape". You might be able to avoid some of the pitfalls his map had.

    How is the performance on the map? Split screen? And how much budget have you used?
    #9 Draw the Line, May 6, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  10. Pstolwpdsnoman

    Pstolwpdsnoman Forerunner

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    I'm not really sure how to define the performance. Is there a test I could do that would determine that? As for split screen I've played at least fifty games on a 24 inch tube without any problems. The budget is high (9650 spent) but I haven't experienced any serious frame rate problems or anything like that. If you get a chance to look at it and let me know I would really appreciate it. Or if you could give me some specific things to look for my group and I are doing some customs tonight and we could have a look.

    Thanks again
    #10 Pstolwpdsnoman, May 6, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  11. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I almost passed over this map because, at a glance, your bases looked like those tiny horrible prebuilt bases that come with reach. My love of Avalanche though, and the thought of playing on a mini-Avalanche, forced me to download the map anyways.

    Just rolling through this in forge I was impressed by a number of things. First your bases, and when I say bases I mean all of the little structures you've built, are really nicely done. For me the common pitfalls of bases made from scratch are that they're too tiny, too cluttered with walls and other random protrusions, and you can never understand what their function is from a just simple glance. Your structures avoid all that, and also serve their purposes in the smallest amount of space possible in the most efficient way possible.

    I also really like that the map is basically made up of one big gameplay defining object, and then around that you've meticulously built a bunch of complex and interesting structures. Those two elements contrast really well.

    I'm definitely looking forward to playing this. The way this map uses space is impressively efficient and I'm excited to see how that translates over into actual gameplay.
  12. cycyon

    cycyon Forerunner

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    This map really is a great map, I've played countless games here from 2v2 to 4v4 and they all were fun and fast paced, it really is a team map and for 2v2 you really need to work with your partner to get things done, the only thing i can think of to complain about this map is the spawns and i know that they are a pain to set up correctly. but other than that i love this map and i loved play testing it.
  13. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I finally got to try this with some friends. We played CTF 2vs2 and it was a blast! The open area in the middle it great because it makes the shortest route the riskiest to take most of the time. The teleporters are just right too. This map is a lot of fun and will remain one of my favorites, thanks!
  14. thomaskywalker

    thomaskywalker Forerunner

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    U~TURN is a great map

    Excellent map. Mature realization and utilization of space. Less is more. My favorite quality about this map is that it provides different routes and cover for various playing styles. Sometimes I go entire games without ever using the walkways/cover, teleporters, or neutral base because I'm eager to round that "u-turn" guns blazing; however, when I want to be more discrete, I can play an entire game using the walkway area and neutral base and still be an asset to my team. And that brings me to perhaps the most important distinction about this map: YOU MUST WORK AS A TEAM....at least in objective games. You have to THINK. That is why this map is "mature." No one can round the u-turn into the open field, into the base, grab the flag, and make it back all on their own, even if you're awesome. If you kill the opposing team, they will respawn in their base again before you can make it back around that u-turn. The shortest route between bases has the least amount of cover. The longer route has cover, but you will spend more time on the enemy side, allowing them to regroup. Like I said, a mature realization of space.

    On that note, it is worth mentioning that there always three routes into any space. To go through the middle there is the open path, ground level neutral base, upper level neutral base, and of course you can walk up the dividing wall. Each base has three ways in. Even the walkways have climbable rocks adjacent to them.

    The weapons are well-balanced. Rockets sit at the base of the wall, which adds more influence to take the no-cover route. The focus rifle in the neutral base is a great counter for snipers. The rest is pretty standard, but we all know how people can really botch weapon choice and placement. All is in order here. The structures are simple and impressively built. I really like the neutral base, nice work. The vehicles fit well. The playing field is crafted in a manner that lets the ghost be effective without dominating. The mongoose is a good quick-transport option, but I mostly prefer sprint/evade.

    The thing to make sure to do in this map for games like CTF is make the settings fit the map. The flag return time needs to be shorter than standard. Also, like DUCK NG mentioned, the space on the side of the base could be utilized a bit more, but it is not a big problem. Perhaps if you put too much back there, the ghosts couldn't go around the base.

    Great design, unique concept, well-balanced. I have fun every time I play this map, which are mostly CTF games.

    Happy Forging
  15. Pstolwpdsnoman

    Pstolwpdsnoman Forerunner

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    Thanks for all the positive feedback and comments guys. I was really supprised to see not one but two architects were commenting on my map. I'm delighted that the map has been received as well as it has.

    I would like to hear back from some of the people who posted earlier to know their thoughts after trying it. After a few remarks about the teleporter locations I seriously considered moving some stuff around but every time I play it with friends or during customs night I just can't, its too much fun the way it is. So I want to know what they are thinking afterwards. I may come out with some different versions but that is still probably a ways down the road on account of how busy I am with school. But it will be done. I'm also trying to put together ideas for a small 2v2 map I'm going to start on later this summer.
    Anyway thanks again, oh and Tom and Cycyon I know I mentioned you guys in the original post but thanks again for all the time you guys gave me, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.
  16. Wolf Jedi

    Wolf Jedi Forerunner

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    You really shouldn't change the map. The teleporters work great, they are in just the right spot to balance every route back and forth between the bases and on the main battlefield. I have played a lot of CTF on this map with my buddies (2v2 games) and it's so much fun. The way that all the action is centered on that pivot around the U-Turn makes for an intense game!

    Things change so fast in CTF. The other team could have your flag, but still be on your side of the wall, but as soon as they manage to get the flag just around that wall, you can't relax or they score.

    At first glance, one might say "A giant wall that separates the main bases?! That's stupid!" But this idea works great. You really used the space well. The cover is where it should be, and the open space separates the men from the boys.
  17. Necropaxx

    Necropaxx Forerunner

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    U~TURN has got to be my favorite Team Objective map ever. 2v2, 4v4, 6v6 even, it doesn't matter. Every single time you are going to get great gameplay. Every single time.

    Go download U~TURN now!
  18. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    You've got me convinced. Looks like a brilliant CTF map. I'll be sure to give it a go.
  19. Pstolwpdsnoman

    Pstolwpdsnoman Forerunner

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    BEST COMMENT EVER!!! thanks man.

    Broccoli didn't you play this, when we were testing that really vertical map where Duck killed everyone??

    anyway thanks for the comments. :D

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